Womb Wellness
Karen is passionate about womb care and the benefits it can have on women wellness which includes fertility, graceful ageing and to alleviate pre-menstrual syndrome.
In the Malay tradition, a womb is the core to a women’s wellness and Karen has taken this believe to heart and has been trained and certified in 2 well renowned therapies.
Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy
The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy address the position and health of the pelvic and abdominal organs. It is an external, non-invasive technique that repositions internal organs that may have shifted, thereby restricting the flow of blood, lymph, nerve and chi. This therapy is best known for helping correct a prolapsed, fallen or tilted uterus.
Mercier Therapy
Mercier Therapy is a deep pelvic organ visceral manipulative technique in which the reproductive organs are mobilized and blood flow restored. Organ restrictions are relieved and movement replenished amongst the organs and surrounding structures to enhance their natural and most optimal function.
To view a preview of Fertility – The Shared Journey with Mercier Therapy please visit MercierMovie.com.
Our evidence based research study concluded in September 2012 and proved an 83% pregnancy success rate. The abstract entitled: Mercier Therapy Helps Infertile Women Achieve Pregnancy and was published in the Spring 2013 edition of the Midwifery Today journal.
Jennifer Mercier, LMT, Midwife, ND, PhD
Mercier Therapy for a Conscious Conception