Did You Know Blueberries Help Lose Belly Fat?
Losing belly fat does not necessarily mean restricting your diet or doing your ab exercises – sometimes just eating the right food may also aid in losing belly fat. Did you know blueberries will help you do just that?
It is common knowledge that blueberries are rich in antioxidants, but a 2009 study entitled Blueberries Boost Heart Health suggests that this popular fruit may be an important component to losing abdominal fat. Researchers at University of Michigan’s Cardioprotection Research Laboratory discovered that anthocyanin, the naturally occurring chemical present in blueberries, might alter the way the body stores and processes sugar. Over a 90-day test period, researchers fed rats that had been bred to be obese either a high or low-fat diet, the latter diet being enriched with whole blueberry powder. Results showed that the rats that were fed blueberries ended up with less abdominal fat, lower cholesterol and improved glucose control. These rats also lost body weight and fat mass.
Here are two suggestions on ways you can incorporate these tasty berries into your diet:
Flat Belly Salad
Salad ingredients:
- Salad leaves of your choice
- ¼ cup cucumber, diced
- ¼ cup pineapple chunks
- ¼ cup fresh blueberries
- ¼ avocado, diced
- 1 tablespoon chopped onions
Salad dressing ingredients:
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- Juice of half a fresh lemon
- ½ tablespoon maple syrup
- Mix salad ingredients in a bowl
- Mix together salad dressing, drizzle over salad and enjoy!
Flat Belly Drink
– 1 box of fresh blueberries
– 1 fresh coconut
- Chop off the top of the coconut to open up the shell
- Pour out the coconut water and spoon out the coconut flesh
- In a blender, blend blueberries, coconut water and coconut flesh
- Enjoy!
Karen Loke – Founder and Practitioner, Restoring Mums
Photo Sources: Internet其實,要減走腹部脂肪不一定要節食或者做運動,有時候只要食物吃得對,也可以幫您減走腹部脂肪的!您知道藍莓可以幫您做到這一點嗎?
眾所周知,藍莓含有豐富的抗氧化劑,但是,2009年一份題為《藍莓促進心臟健康》(Blueberries Boost Heart Health)的研究報告指出,這種深受各位歡迎的水果更可能能夠大大地幫助減去腹部脂肪。美國密西根大學心臟保護研究實驗室的研究人員發現,花青素,一種存在於藍莓中的天然化學物質,可能會改變身體儲存和處理糖的方式。在90天的測試期間,研究人員用高或低脂肪飲食餵食已培育成過胖的老鼠,其中低脂肪飲食中加入了全藍莓粉。結果表明,被餵食了藍莓的老鼠的腹部脂肪減少了。另外,牠們的膽固醇降低了,血糖控制得以改善,體重和脂肪量也下降了。
- 隨您喜愛的沙律葉
- 1/4杯黃瓜,切丁
- 1/4杯菠蘿塊
- 1/4杯新鮮的藍莓
- 1/4牛油果,切塊
- 1湯匙切碎的洋蔥
- 1湯匙橄欖油
- 半個新鮮檸檬果汁
- 1/2湯匙楓糖漿
- 在碗裡將沙律配料混合
- 將沙律醬配料混合,淋在沙律配料上,然後盡情享用吧!
- 1盒新鮮藍莓
- 1個新鮮椰子
- 砍掉椰子頂部,打開外殼
- 倒出椰子水,用匙挖出椰子肉
- 將藍莓椰子水和椰子肉放入攪拌機攪爛
- 盡情享用吧!
Restoring Mums創辦人和治療師Karen Loke