Mamas’ Story – Restoring Mums Jamu Massage | Abdominal Binding | Postpartum Wellness Restoring Mums Wed, 07 Feb 2024 08:40:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 (中文) 孩子不需要我了? Mon, 30 Mar 2015 00:00:40 +0000 不經不覺當上了家庭煮婦已有十個年頭﹐大女兒十二歲﹐小兒子也快九歲了。姐弟倆性格南轅北轍﹐姐姐做事認真積極﹐不怕艱辛﹐但卻很情緒化;弟弟個性散漫﹐欠缺動力﹐卻又很善解人意。有時總會幻想將他們如泥膠般混合再分割﹐他倆會變得多麼的可愛呵! 孩子們一下子好像長大了很多﹐被需要的感覺也好像漸漸退減了﹐我亦開始尋找自己的興趣﹐享受一下生活。 去年搬家到郊區﹐終於擁有一個夢想的小院子﹐開始我的有機種植。經過幾個月的細心栽培終於看見收成了。其中蕃茄樹結了很多果子﹐發覺同一枝葉上有些飽滿紅通通的﹐有的卻細小未熟透﹐令我學習到植物如是﹐小孩如是﹐大家也有著不同的本質﹐能力性格各有長短﹐何必比較﹐只要他們健康成長便好了。 我種植的種類有很多﹐有瓜有菜﹐有開花的有結果的﹐而他們的需要大致相同﹐只要不要弄錯他們在不同時間的需要便行了﹐有時要施肥﹐有時要除虫﹐有時候只要靜靜的待著﹐什麼也不做就可以了。然而﹐小孩不是也一樣嗎? 孩子不需要我了? 他們不是不再需要我﹐只是需要的方法、時間跟以前不同罷了﹐孩子是一輩子也需要媽媽的﹐我也會一輩子守候在他們身旁﹐需要施肥時施肥﹐要除虫時除虫﹐有時候靜靜待在他們身邊什麼也不做就好…… 我的“種植孩子”分享總是說得容易﹐畢竟要做到能收能放、少點嘮叨一點也不易﹐當媽媽的也是一輩子的學習、反思、改善﹐共勉之。 Mrs. Ada Kwok, mama of 2 beautiful children

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不經不覺當上了家庭煮婦已有十個年頭﹐大女兒十二歲﹐小兒子也快九歲了。姐弟倆性格南轅北轍﹐姐姐做事認真積極﹐不怕艱辛﹐但卻很情緒化;弟弟個性散漫﹐欠缺動力﹐卻又很善解人意。有時總會幻想將他們如泥膠般混合再分割﹐他倆會變得多麼的可愛呵! 孩子們一下子好像長大了很多﹐被需要的感覺也好像漸漸退減了﹐我亦開始尋找自己的興趣﹐享受一下生活。


我種植的種類有很多﹐有瓜有菜﹐有開花的有結果的﹐而他們的需要大致相同﹐只要不要弄錯他們在不同時間的需要便行了﹐有時要施肥﹐有時要除虫﹐有時候只要靜靜的待著﹐什麼也不做就可以了。然而﹐小孩不是也一樣嗎? 孩子不需要我了? 他們不是不再需要我﹐只是需要的方法、時間跟以前不同罷了﹐孩子是一輩子也需要媽媽的﹐我也會一輩子守候在他們身旁﹐需要施肥時施肥﹐要除虫時除虫﹐有時候靜靜待在他們身邊什麼也不做就好……


Mrs. Ada Kwok, mama of 2 beautiful children

The post (中文) 孩子不需要我了? appeared first on Restoring Mums.

I Roughed It Through With My Boy Wed, 25 Feb 2015 07:46:17 +0000 I find being a mum the toughest career. I know of some who truly enjoys being one, but mine has been a mix of feelings – from exhaustion to frustration to moments of sweetness that melts every difficult pasts. And I feel it is those precious moments out of the many frustrating and exhausting experiences […]

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I find being a mum the toughest career. I know of some who truly enjoys being one, but mine has been a mix of feelings – from exhaustion to frustration to moments of sweetness that melts every difficult pasts.

And I feel it is those precious moments out of the many frustrating and exhausting experiences that keeps me being a mum, that puts a smile on my face and makes me take a deep breath and give a sigh of relief (with satisfaction.) It is moments I know I have climbed another hill, reached another height of motherhood, and looking back at those challenging moments, I could only call it memories.

One such memory is when my 5-year old boy wrote a letter (see attached) to my husband, who was on a business trip at the time. I was busy at home and he asked for a piece of paper. I saw him sitting on the desk writing and changing colour pencils as he wrote. He asked to spell certain words and I answered him but little did I know he was writing a note to “papa”! It was only when I have put my 3 kids to bed after a tiring day (with hubby away on a trip) and finally went in to my room that I saw this note stucked on the wall of our bedroom. It read “I love my dad and he always plays my favourite games and he watches my favourite movies and he always plays with my big dog and he always plays with Buzzy. Love Heng Yung”. It was a moment of sweetness and joy for both me and my husband (and he still uses this picture as his FB profile picture)

“I Love My Dad” – By Yung-Yung

You see, to really understand/appreciate the depth of my joy, you need to know a bit of the challenges we went through together. When Heng Yung was born, he had some pimples on his forehead and doc told me it was baby pimples and nothing to worry about. However, it developed more and more over time and by the time he was 4 months old, his entire face and scalp were full of pimples and turned excema. I consulted western doctors, naturopath, homeopaths, lactation consultants and all of whom gave me different views. It was a tough patch seeing my baby in such state. On top of that, he didn’t sleep much as a baby and awoke every 2 hours for feedings, not just during the day but night time as well. His naps during the day were at max 45mins before waking up for another feed. And he solely fed on breastmilk, directly! He would not take the bottle (trust me, I have tried every single bottle… and pacifier available in the market that time but he just refused) so I was literally home bound for at least 7 months as he feeds 2-hourly and I really dislike breastfeeding in public. My only leisure time out of home was that much-treasured 1-hour grocery shopping and be back within 2 hours. I have tried all methods weaning him off the breast, sleeping methods etc but it all failed.

Baby Yung-Yung

Baby Yung-Yung

So looking back, and looking at how my sweet little boy has grown into such loving and thoughtful boy, I could not contain my joy (with a big smile soon my face!)

What I’ve learnt is motherhood to me is not about using the best method or getting the best advice, it is listening to my own mothering instinct.

By the way, Heng Yung is free from excema with no food allergy and he has the most contagious smile with smooth skin 😉 now.

Karen Loke, mother of 3 lovely children

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Relationship With My Daughter Keeps Me Awake At Night. Wed, 05 Mar 2014 20:26:38 +0000 As I await the graduation ceremony for my 21 year-old daughter to commence I can’t help but to flash back the relationship with my daughter which once kept me awake at night, I wondered how I had fared as a mum. Like many, my husband and I had started out as a dual-income couple working […]

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As I await the graduation ceremony for my 21 year-old daughter to commence I can’t help but to flash back the relationship with my daughter which once kept me awake at night, I wondered how I had fared as a mum. Like many, my husband and I had started out as a dual-income couple working hard to afford a bigger house, a nicer car and a better lifestyle. While some mums could bring snacks to school at break time and to help in classrooms, I was busy climbing the corporate ladder. Although I committed all my non-working time to her, I did not realize that my poor little innocent daughter had often wondered why her mum had to work. The gifts and the vacations that could be afforded with the greater household income meant nothing to her.

Despite this, I would say we had a wonderful relationship until her teen years paid a visit. Suddenly we seemed poles apart. We argued about almost everything; her clothing, her language, her attitude, her preferences, her faith etc. Had my daughter become so different or was I just too conservative and controlling? I had to get used to the idea that my daughter now had a mind of her own and that she is very different from me. I had to give her space to grow. I was constantly reminded by my husband to choose my battles and not fight over everything! It was so bad that I was as glad as her when time came for her to leave the comforts of home to go to college.

But I missed her terribly when she was in college. I looked forward to her phone calls and was worried whenever I did not hear from her. Thank God for long school breaks that brought us back together again. It was a time to pamper her with all the food that she was deprived of. Yet, I nagged her about her weight gain! Will I ever change? Somehow we managed to always have a good time though, each being conscious that we had limited time together and thus tolerated each other’s flaws.

After 4 years apart from each other, I must say we have a wonderful relationship again. So how did it happen?

A few incidents (I believe) smoothened our relationship. I had time and again reminded her to drive within the speed limit. She called once, remorseful that she got a speeding ticket. The fine was US$600. You would think I would have said, “Did I not tell you?” Instead I consoled her and even offered to pay the fine. But all she needed was understanding and empathy, not reprimand nor compensation. She accepted it as a learning lesson and God knew that money was a painful but yet not harmful way for her to exercise safe driving. She was grateful for not being berated.

Another time she called crying as she had vomited several times. It was the middle of the night in the US and she had taken the anti-vomit pills from the big bag of medical supplies that I had packed for her but it still did not stop. I got her to get into bed and place her laptop next to her where we could see each other. I prayed over her continually until she fell asleep. Thanks to Skype, I could be there to comfort her to sleep until her laptop screen decided to go to sleep too. Guess she knew that in times of sickness, I would always be there for her.

Other encounters that were impactful were perhaps her break off with a boyfriend, a minor car accident caused by her inexperience and damage to her 3-month old Mac Book Air when she jam-braked her car. I realized that for each of these trials, all she wanted was support and empathy.

I have learnt a lot being a mum. As much as I had wanted my daughter to avoid pitfalls in life, she had to experience it herself and even suffer pain to discover and remember. I cannot protect her from the world. There is a time and a season when she will encounter and learn. As she grows and matures, I must just watch from the sidelines cheering her on and to ensure that she does not wander too far out. I have set the boundaries and now I have to let go of control. I simply need to be patient, tolerant and not expect perfection from her in the meantime. I have learnt to keep my mouth shut. And if I have to say it, I pray that I would say it in a gentle and loving manner. This way, we enjoy each other so much more.


I asked my daughter who majored in psychology why we had so much disagreement in the past and her reply “teenage hormones, mum!” Teenagers go through a difficult time, trying to find an identity for themselves. I should have been supportive and not add to her confusion. Sometimes when she rants and complains, she is not seeking a solution. She just wants a listening ear, empathy and understanding. She is just screaming to be treated as an adult and all she needed was love.

The most surprising thing that happened recently was when my daughter said to me one day, “Mum, I think I am morphing into you. I can’t stand it when the house isn’t clean, I have to make my bed, I won’t get into bed without showering, I feel uncomfortable in clothing that is revealing…….”

Wow……..what can I ask for? My daughter who had once said “don’t make me like you” is now happy to announce that she is becoming like me! Somewhere along the 21 years I must have done some right. It has not been an easy ride. Much time has been spent down on my knees but I have been blessed. I have a Father who knows that I need help. In all my helpless and desperate moments, He was there to love me, guide me, support me and to cheer me on too. It has been an enriching journey and I look forward to a new episode in our relationship.

Selina C., who is a loving wife to a faithful husband and mum to two great children在等待我21歲的女兒大學畢業典禮開始時,我不禁回想起我與我女兒的關係,它總是令我每晚都夜不能寐。我不知道作為一個媽媽,我的表現是如何。跟許多人一樣,我的丈夫和我一開始是「雙薪人士」,很努力賺錢,然後買更大的房子和更新款的車,去爭取世人眼中認為更好的生活。當有些媽媽在學校小息時可以帶零食給她們的小孩和在班上伴讀或義務幫忙一下的時候,我往往都正在忙著上班,為攀上事業高峰的階梯而努力。雖然我下班後將我所有的時間都貢獻給我的女兒,但我沒有察覺到原來她總是不解為何她的媽媽總是在工作。我以為我的收入愈來愈多,我便可以送給她更貴重的禮物和跟她去不同的地方去遊玩,但這些對她來說,都是極無意義的。






其他有影響力的事件包括她與男朋友的分手,另一次因為她新手無經驗而引致的交通意外,以及當她煞車時衝力把買回來只有三個月的Mac Book Air給弄壞了。我意識到每一次,她需要的只是我的支持和同理心。





Selina C ─ 一個擁有忠實的丈夫的可愛妻子和兩個好孩子的媽媽

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