postpartum – Restoring Mums Jamu Massage | Abdominal Binding | Postpartum Wellness Restoring Mums Wed, 16 Oct 2024 06:57:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 slimum Treatments by Restoring Mums Sun, 09 Mar 2014 10:43:27 +0000 All slimum™ Treatments by Restoring Mums ( and their ingredients have been specifically designed and chosen by Karen Loke following her extensive research and training in postpartum recovery. Karen’s tried-and-tested ‘recipes’ and techniques address both cosmetic issues (bloated tummies, wider waistlines, hips and scarring), and overall women’s wellness (poor circulation, hormone regulation, swelling relief, involution and womb integrity, […]

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All slimum™ Treatments by Restoring Mums ( and their ingredients have been specifically designed and chosen by Karen Loke following her extensive research and training in postpartum recovery.

Karen’s tried-and-tested ‘recipes’ and techniques address both cosmetic issues (bloated tummies, wider waistlines, hips and scarring), and overall women’s wellness (poor circulation, hormone regulation, swelling relief, involution and womb integrity, stress relief, expelling trapped lochia and separation of abdominal muscles [diastasis recti]) to achieve optimum recovery post-delivery – a truly holistic approach to your postpartum health and wellbeing.

As the delivery of every child brings a unique maternal experience, we will start by understanding your personal condition and then customise each treatment accordingly – from specific massage strokes to the oils and herbs best suited to you. Restoring Mums offers the following postpartum wellness treatments (many passionately but loosely label it as Jamu Massage, belly binding, tummy wrap), each can be tailored made to meet each individual’s unique needs:-

1. slimum™ TUMMY Signature Treatment (45 Minutes)

2. slimum™ BODY – Total Relaxation & Rejuvenating Treatment (75 Minutes)

3. slimum™ by KAREN – All You Need To Regain Your Figure and Wellness (75 Minutes)

Treatments take place in the comfort of your own home, so there’s no need to travel during your confinement period.

TheMamaPost Editorial所有Restorming Mums(的slimum™專業產後修身護理療程和它們的成分都經過特別的設計,並由Karen Loke根據她產後修復的廣泛研究和培訓去嚴選的。

Karen嘗試不同的技術和設計不同的療程去解決外觀問題(腹部腫脹、寬大的腰圍和和臀圍)、撫平疤痕和改善女性的整體健康(血液循環不暢、荷爾蒙調節、平服腫脹、器官衰退和子宮完整性、舒緩壓力、排出惡露和腹部肌肉的分離[腹直肌分離]),以達致最佳的產後修復效果──一個給妳真正全面的, 自然的產後護理和促進健康的方法。

Restoring Mums提供以下的產後健康護理療程(流行統稱為Jamu按摩、束腹、束肚或腹部包紮),每種都可以度身訂做,以滿足每個人獨特的需求:

1. slimum™ TUMMY 腹部療程 高效益療程,主要針對腰部和腹部位置(45分鐘)

2. slimum™ BODY 身體療程 – 徹底放鬆與活膚更新護理(75分鐘)

3. slimum™ by KAREN 療程 – 皇牌治療,由Karen設計和主理, 全力塑造身形和重拾健康(75分鐘)。



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