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One of the few key challenges facing many mums who try to get back to their pre-baby figure is getting to know which postpartum corset is right for me. Choose the right postpartum corset helps you jumpstart your quest to get back to pre-baby figure on the right track.

A corset is a tightly-fitting woman’s undergarment extending from below the chest to the hips, and is worn to shape the figure. It acts as frame or mould for your body and encourages weight loss following childbirth through a combination of compression and induced perspiration.

Before getting a postpartum corset, these are few considerations you must take into account:-

  • Postpartum corsets should feel really firm, with very little elasticity. If the corset is too loose, it will not have the required shaping effect and your effort from wearing it day and night will be wasted.
  • Look for a corset with a special flap for easy bathroom use; otherwise you will have to take off the entire corset for each bathroom visit, which is very cumbersome and time-consuming – you might just give up after a few attempts!
  • Try to avoid latex materials if your skin is prone to allergy.
  • Avoid wire supports that sit vertically below your bust, as they either poke uncomfortably into your breasts when you sit down, or onto your thigh. Wire support on the sides is far better for you and more comfortable.
  • Choose a corset that is panty-like and supports your lower abdomen up to just below your breast. That way, you have your entire abdomen covered and compressed.
  • Some corsets are very short, covering just above the navel. Such corsets aren’t recommended in this instance, as the lower abdominal fats are pushed up and out of the corset, creating an unsightly muffin-top look. 

Muffin-top Source: Glamour.com

Choosing a postpartum corset that works for your body shape can be a breeze once you have a good grasp of the differences between their fundamental designs and purposes:-

Tummy Wrap

Belly Wrap

1. Belly Wrap

  • Appropriate for woman who has shorter torso, so the wrap can cover the entire abdomen
  • Not so for woman with longer torso as it creates a muffin top effect, and causes too much downward abdominal pressure that may harm the womb and pelvic floor muscle.
Waist Cincher

Waist Cincer

2. Waist Cincher

  • Appropriate for woman who has shorter torso, so the wrap can cover the entire abdomen
  • Not so for woman with longer torso as it creates a muffin top effect, and causes too much downward abdominal pressure that may harm the womb and pelvic floor muscle.
  • Some waist cincher are made of very elastic materials with wire support at the front which may poke into your breast or thighs when sitting.
C-Section Support Belt

C-Section Support Belt

3. C-Section Support Belt / Wrap

  • C-section support belt made of cotton is a great tool to support C-section healing and the womb.
  • This should NOT be worn as abdominal binders as the width is too small to cover the entire abdomen.
  • May give a muffin top look if you have a thicker layer of fats in your abdomen.
C-Section Panty

C-Section Panty

4. C-section Panty

  • Like the C-section Support Belt, a C-section Panty is great for C-section healing and provides comfortable compression for scar healing.
  • Compression cannot be adjusted so when your tummy size shrinks further, you may need a smaller size panty
  • The panty normally covers below your navel and therefore not a good choice if you’d like to compress your entire abdomen.
Postpartum Panty Like Corset

Postpartum Panty Like Corset

5. Postpartum Panty-Like Corset

  • Recommended type of corset among all others as this corset provides good abdominal support entirely.
  • May create a muffin top for woman who has thicker fat deposits on your abdomen
  • Woman with longer torso may find the corset not able to cover the entire abdomen
  • Choose one with wire support on the sides
  • The top of the corset may roll down if there is no wire support for this type of corset.
High Waist Panty Like Corset With Strap Support

High Waist Panty Like Corset With Strap Support

6. High-waist Panty-Like Corset with Strap Support

  • This is by far the most comfortable and supportive postpartum corset
  • Strap support prevents the top corset to roll down during use and wire support are not necessary for these type of corsets
  • High waist model covers the entire abdomen well, even for woman with longer torso
  • This could double up as C-section healing support.

Don’t forget to check in again for another article where I will share with you the tips on why it is so important to use the postpartum corset correctly!

Karen Loke, Founder and Practitioner, Restoring Mums廿一世紀美麗優雅, 衣著時尚的産後媽媽最關注又最貼身的課題(除了育嬰以外)相信就是産後修身吧? 而挑戰這課題的成敗關鍵就非選擇最適合自己的[産後束腹帶]莫屬. 選對了, 有事半功倍之效, 但選錯了非旦白費心機, 而且有可能對妳的健康有影響!

[産後束腹帶]是緊貼着媽媽,從胸部延伸到臀部下方的的內衣,我們穿上它的主要目的是為天生愛美的我們塑造優美的體型。它的主要功能是作為我們身型的模具,如框架般, 通過壓縮和誘導排汗的組合, 自然的去促使分娩後媽媽的身型塑造及體重的下降。

KAREN   小貼士


  1. 當穿上[産後束腹帶]時感覺應該是很牢固,很少彈性的。如果[産後束腹帶]太鬆的話,那它就失去應該具有所需的整形效果,穿了也白費你的心機與努力。
  2. 盡可能選擇“複合式”設計而非“笠式”設計的[産後束腹帶]. “複合式”設計的[産後束腹帶]方便妳在上洗手間時能快速又自如的鬆開而上完洗手間後可再輕鬆自如的綁好. 否則,這日常上洗手間的小事會因妳穿上了[産後束腹帶]變得非常繁瑣和費時的 – 你嘗試幾次後可能會乾脆放棄不再穿上那[産後束腹帶]從而失去修身機會, 那豈不是太可惜了!
  3. 若妳有皮膚過敏症就盡量不要選擇以”膠乳”為原料的[産後束腹帶].
  4. 盡量避免選擇在胸圍下方有金屬絲支撐的[産後束腹帶]. 當妳坐下來時它有可能捅入妳的乳房或大腿. 若金屬絲支撐是在左右兩側那會比較舒適.
  5. 盡量選擇”高桶內褲“ 型的[産後束腹帶]. 這從下腹向上延伸到胸圍的設計可以給予妳整個腹部完整無缺的, 均勻的壓縮讓妳的身體自然的重塑.
  6. 市面上有些[産後束腹帶]或(褲)的設計非常短, 它們只覆蓋到媽媽肚臍的部位.  我不建議選擇這些[産後束腹帶]因為它把沉積在下腹的脂肪往上推, 但又因為設計短的原因造成腹部贅肉橫向地在[産後束腹帶]頭凸出, 非常不雅. 英文有個非常有趣而又很貼切的形容詞為[muffin-top] – 我故且就翻譯成[鬆餅頂部]的效果吧, 嘻!

Muffin-Top 源自Glamour.com

下面我會圖文並茂為妳剖析市面上六類最常見的[産後束腹帶]設計. 一旦妳掌握了這些[産後束腹帶]的基本設計和目的及它們之間的差異後, 選擇一個適合你身形的[産後束腹帶]就可以是一件輕而易舉的小事一樁了:-

Tummy Wrap


腹部包裹型 (Belly Wrap)

  1. 適用於擁有較短的軀幹身型的媽媽,這類設計可以覆蓋較短軀幹身型媽媽的整個腹部.
  2. 擁有較長的軀幹身型的媽媽必須避免選擇這類設計,因為它會形成一個[鬆餅頂部]的效果,並導致過多向腹部位置往下推的壓擠力,很可能會傷害子宮和盆底肌肉。 
Waist Cincher


腰夾式塑身型 (Waist Cincher)

  1. 適用於擁有較短的軀幹身型的媽媽,這類設計可以覆蓋較短軀幹身型媽媽的整個腹部.
  2. 擁有較長的軀幹身型的媽媽必須避免選擇這類設計,因為它會形成一個[鬆餅頂部]的效果,並導致過多向腹部位置往下推的壓擠力,很可能會傷害子宮和盆底肌肉。
  3. 市面上流行的腰夾式塑身型[産後束腹帶], 是由非常有彈性的材料縫製,並且在胸圍下方有金屬絲支撐. 坐著時可能會捅着媽媽的乳房或大腿。
C-Section Support Belt

剖腹產型 – 腰帶或包裹

剖腹型 – 腰帶或包裹 (C-Section Support Belt / Wrap)

  1. 通常是棉製, 它是每位剖腹產媽媽的最佳拍擋, 其特點是幫助剖腹產媽媽C-部分和子宮的自然癒合。
  2. 這類設計不應該被用作[産後束腹帶]因為它的寬度太小,不能以均勻舒適有力的壓縮力覆蓋媽媽的整個腹部所以未能達到重塑身型的目的.
  3. 若媽媽有脂肪沉積在腹部就可能會形成[鬆餅頂部]的效果。
C-Section Panty

剖腹產型 – 內褲

剖腹型 – 褲 (C-Section Panty)

  1. 像剖腹產型腰帶或包裹,這設計是每位剖腹產媽媽的佳音, 其特點除了是幫助剖腹產媽媽C-部分和子宮的自然癒合外,並提供舒適的壓縮力促使手術後留下的疤痕的癒合。
  2. 這褲的壓縮力無法被調整,所以當肚子尺寸進一步的縮小時, 可能需要買一個更小尺寸的褲, 穿不足一兩個月就棄用, 不環保也有點不划算!
  3. 這褲的設計一般只覆蓋到媽媽的肚臍部位,因為不能覆蓋媽媽的整個腹部所以未能達到重塑身型的目的.
Postpartum Panty Like Corset

産後束衣 – 內褲型

産後束衣 – 褲型(Postpartum Panty-Like Corset)

  1. 我會推薦此設計,因為它給產後媽媽提供了全方位腹部的覆蓋。
  2. 若媽媽的腹部沉積了較厚的脂肪, 使用此設計的束衣有可能會形成一個[鬆餅頂部]的效果.
  3. 擁有較長的軀幹身型的媽媽必須避免選擇這類設計因為此設計無法覆蓋驅幹較長的媽的整個腹部.
  4. 緊記要選擇有左右兩側金屬絲支撐的款式.
  5. 如果沒有左右兩側金屬絲支撐的支撐, 産後束衣的頂部可能滾下來, 不適也不雅觀。
High Waist Panty Like Corset With Strap Support

高腰線産後束衣 – 內褲型(緞帶)

高腰線産後束衣 – 褲型(緞帶) (High-Waist Panty-Like Corset with Strap Support)

  1. 這是迄今為止市面上流行, 最舒適和最有支撐力的[產後束腹帶].
  2. 緞帶的支撐防止[產後束腹帶]頂部滾下來; 此設計也不須要金屬絲支撐, 非常舒適.
  3. 高腰線設計給予產後媽媽的腹部一個完整的覆蓋,即使擁有較長軀幹身型的媽媽也適用.
  4. 這款式也可以用來兼任C-部分的癒合.

下星期我將與你分享為什麼要正確使用[產後束腹帶], 它與妳的健康又有什麼關係!記得回來噢.

Restoring Mums創辦人和治療師 Karen Loke

The post Which Postpartum Corset Is Right For Me? appeared first on Restoring Mums.

Womb Position Can Determine Your Health https://restoringmums.com/2014/12/27/womb-position-can-determine-your-health/ Sat, 27 Dec 2014 15:30:38 +0000 http://themamapost.com/?p=473 If you’ve ever experienced a postnatal massage by an Indonesian or Malay practitioner, you may be familiar with the term “your uterus is hanging low,” or, “your womb is laying too low”. In Malay language, they call it “peranakan jatuh”. Being able to read and write in the Malay language, I am grateful to be […]

The post Womb Position Can Determine Your Health appeared first on Restoring Mums.

If you’ve ever experienced a postnatal massage by an Indonesian or Malay practitioner, you may be familiar with the term “your uterus is hanging low,” or, “your womb is laying too low”. In Malay language, they call it “peranakan jatuh”. Being able to read and write in the Malay language, I am grateful to be able to research on the little literature there is available, and talk to many wonderful and humble Malay traditional postnatal care practitioners

It is common for Malay or Indonesian masseurs to correct the positioning of the womb for a women’s wellness, for the Malays believe the womb is a woman’s core and her outward beauty is a reflection of the condition of her womb. In South East Asia, “No cold drinks” and “No lifting of heavy objects” are common words of advice given by our grandmothers and mothers, believed to maintain womb health and wellbeing.

So what really does it mean to have a “low hanging uterus or womb”?

When I first studied Malay postnatal massage, be it in a university setting, in a modern spa or via traditional Malay masseurs, I was taught the position of the womb and how to massage – yet many of my questions on anatomy were never convincingly answered.

However, when I studied The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® by Dr Rosita Arvigo, I realised how similar these two cultures are in terms of correcting womb positioning, and exactly how a misaligned uterus affects our health. Dr Arvigo has derived her specific therapy technique to help reposition reproductive organs and improve blood flow to digestive organs using an external, non-invasive hand manipulation method.

Here I’d like to share what I learnt and explain what it means when you are told that your uterus (or womb) has “dropped”.

A uterine prolapse is commonly known medically and refers to a condition when the uterus slips down into the vagina. A hollow, muscular organ roughly the size of a fist in a non-pregnant state, the uterus is suspended in the pelvis by fourteen ligaments and connective tissue and supported by the pelvic floor muscles. It is positioned in the lower medial pelvis, slightly above the bladder and in front of the colon, which allows for maximum circulation of arterial blood, nerve supply from the spinal column, exiting venous blood and lymphatic drainage.

The uterus is connected to the vagina by the cervix in a continuous flow of tissue.

Prolapse occurs when the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments are stretched and weaken, no longer providing adequate support for the uterus, which slips down into or protrudes out of the vagina.

Potential causes of uterine prolapse include:

  • Damage to supportive tissues during pregnancy and childbirth
  • The effects of gravity over time
  • Loss of oestrogen as the woman matures
  • Repeated straining over the years

The uterus can also slip out of place because ligaments and connective tissue are subject to lengthening and shortening and occasionally become distorted or inelastic. A displaced uterus can also be referred to as the following:

  • Tilted uterus or tilted womb
  • Retroflexed uterus
  • Retroverted uterus
  • Anteflexed uterus

The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® teach that proper knowledge and application of repositioning techniques helps them to heal. So why does it matter to know the condition of our womb?

Following are some common symptoms of a displaced uterus:

  1. Menstrual problems – painful periods; late, early or irregular periods; unusually dark, thick blood at the onset or end of menstruation; related headaches or migraine
  2. Urinary issues – frequent urination, bladder infections and incontinence
  3. Ovulatory symptoms – irregular or painful ovulation
  4. Musculoskeletal indications – low backache, sore heels when walking

What causes these conditions? According to Dr Arvigo, the main reasons are:

  1. Repeated pregnancies close together with difficult deliveries

When pregnancies occur close together, there is insufficient time for the length and strength of uterine ligaments to normalise before the next baby is conceived, especially in the case of large babies or complicated deliveries.

  1. Undue pressure is placed on the uterus during pregnancy, birth and postpartum

The abdominal organs above the uterus can weigh up to 40-60lbs. When a woman lifts a heavy object, the diaphragm places downward pressure on her abdominal organs. The pelvic floor muscles (which have experienced recent strain during childbirth) may be unable to withstand further pressure and weight from above. This often results in a uterine prolapse. Carrying heavy objects may also harm the uterine ligaments and muscular wall, which takes time to heal. The Mayans believes in wearing a “faja” (abdominal wrap or postnatal corset) and similarly the Malays wear a “bengkung” – both are made of cloth and support the uterus until the ligaments have time to heal and revert back into their proper position and length.

Womb Position & Health

Womb Position At 40 Weeks Pregnant

The above picture shows a stretched Round Ligament, Broad Ligament and Uterosacral Ligament, connecting the uterus to the pelvis and sacrum. (Source: The Growing Uterus Chart: 40 weeks pregnant at term picture.)

Additionally, Dr Arvigo also lists the following as potential causes for a displaced uterus:

  • Scarring from adhesions as a result of endometriosis or fibroids
  • Injury to sacrum or tailbone from a fall or accident
  • Wearing high-heeled shoes
  • Running on cement surfaces; high-impact dancing, aerobics or sports
  • Chronic cough
  • The aging process

Similarly, the Malays believe the uterus needs to be returned to its original position following childbirth to prevent prolapse and side effects such as incontinence. The sixty-day period following delivery is the recommended timeframe to care for the uterus to allow it to heal and return to its pre-pregnancy size and position, especially given the fact that the relaxin hormone is still naturally present in the body during this time.

Karen Loke, Founder and Practitioner, Restoring Mums如果妳曾經進行由印尼或馬來人主理的產後按摩,妳會知道甚麼叫「子宮下垂」。在馬來語中,它被稱為「peranakan jatuh」。我能夠讀寫馬來語,因此我很高興可以研究現存極少部分可用的文獻,以及與很多經驗豐富但非常謙虛的馬來傳統產後護理治療師對談,交換意見並從中學習相關知識。




可是,當我到美國猶他州學習Rosita Arvigo博士的Maya腹部治療Arvigo技術®時,說到還原子宮位置和錯位的子宮究竟是如何影響我們的健康時,我終於明白到這兩種馬來與馬雅女性護理文化是如何地相似。Arvigo博士導出特定治療技術,使用外部的、非入侵性的手動操作方法去幫助重新定位生殖器官和改善血液流向消化器官的情況。






  • 支持組織在懷孕和分娩過程損壞
  • 地心吸力的影響
  • 女性成熟時雌激素減少
  • 多年反覆的用力


  • 子宮傾斜
  • 子宮後翻
  • 子宮後傾
  • 子宮前屈



  • 月經問題──經痛;經早、經遲或月經不調;月經開始或結束時不尋常的深色和血厚;相關的頭痛或偏頭痛
  • 泌尿問題──尿頻、膀胱受到感染和尿失禁
  • 排卵期的症狀──不規則或排卵痛楚
  • 骨關節肌肉的症狀──下腰腰酸,走路時腳後跟痛


1. 頻密的懷孕和難產


2. 懷孕、分娩時和產後不必要的壓力被施加在子宮上


Womb Position & Health

Womb Position At 40 Weeks Pregnant

上圖顯示了被拉伸了的圓韌帶、闊韌帶和子宮骶骨韌帶,連接子宮至骨盆和骶骨。(來源:The Growing Uterus Chart: 40 weeks pregnant at term picture.)


  • 因子宮內膜異位和子宮肌瘤而引致的黏連疤痕
  • 骶骨或尾骨因跌倒或事故而受傷
  • 穿著高跟鞋
  • 在水泥表面跑動;高強度的舞蹈、健美操或運動
  • 久咳不愈
  • 老化過程


Restoring Mums創辦人和治療師Karen Loke

The post Womb Position Can Determine Your Health appeared first on Restoring Mums.

slimum Treatments by Restoring Mums https://restoringmums.com/2014/03/09/slimum-treatments/ Sun, 09 Mar 2014 10:43:27 +0000 http://www.themamapost.com/?p=207 All slimum™ Treatments by Restoring Mums (www.restoringmums.com) and their ingredients have been specifically designed and chosen by Karen Loke following her extensive research and training in postpartum recovery. Karen’s tried-and-tested ‘recipes’ and techniques address both cosmetic issues (bloated tummies, wider waistlines, hips and scarring), and overall women’s wellness (poor circulation, hormone regulation, swelling relief, involution and womb integrity, […]

The post slimum Treatments by Restoring Mums appeared first on Restoring Mums.

All slimum™ Treatments by Restoring Mums (www.restoringmums.com) and their ingredients have been specifically designed and chosen by Karen Loke following her extensive research and training in postpartum recovery.

Karen’s tried-and-tested ‘recipes’ and techniques address both cosmetic issues (bloated tummies, wider waistlines, hips and scarring), and overall women’s wellness (poor circulation, hormone regulation, swelling relief, involution and womb integrity, stress relief, expelling trapped lochia and separation of abdominal muscles [diastasis recti]) to achieve optimum recovery post-delivery – a truly holistic approach to your postpartum health and wellbeing.

As the delivery of every child brings a unique maternal experience, we will start by understanding your personal condition and then customise each treatment accordingly – from specific massage strokes to the oils and herbs best suited to you. Restoring Mums offers the following postpartum wellness treatments (many passionately but loosely label it as Jamu Massage, belly binding, tummy wrap), each can be tailored made to meet each individual’s unique needs:-

1. slimum™ TUMMY Signature Treatment (45 Minutes)

2. slimum™ BODY – Total Relaxation & Rejuvenating Treatment (75 Minutes)

3. slimum™ by KAREN – All You Need To Regain Your Figure and Wellness (75 Minutes)

Treatments take place in the comfort of your own home, so there’s no need to travel during your confinement period.

TheMamaPost Editorial所有Restorming Mums(www.restoringmums.com)的slimum™專業產後修身護理療程和它們的成分都經過特別的設計,並由Karen Loke根據她產後修復的廣泛研究和培訓去嚴選的。

Karen嘗試不同的技術和設計不同的療程去解決外觀問題(腹部腫脹、寬大的腰圍和和臀圍)、撫平疤痕和改善女性的整體健康(血液循環不暢、荷爾蒙調節、平服腫脹、器官衰退和子宮完整性、舒緩壓力、排出惡露和腹部肌肉的分離[腹直肌分離]),以達致最佳的產後修復效果──一個給妳真正全面的, 自然的產後護理和促進健康的方法。

Restoring Mums提供以下的產後健康護理療程(流行統稱為Jamu按摩、束腹、束肚或腹部包紮),每種都可以度身訂做,以滿足每個人獨特的需求:

1. slimum™ TUMMY 腹部療程 高效益療程,主要針對腰部和腹部位置(45分鐘)

2. slimum™ BODY 身體療程 – 徹底放鬆與活膚更新護理(75分鐘)

3. slimum™ by KAREN 療程 – 皇牌治療,由Karen設計和主理, 全力塑造身形和重拾健康(75分鐘)。



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