Wellness – Restoring Mums https://restoringmums.com Jamu Massage | Abdominal Binding | Postpartum Wellness Restoring Mums Wed, 16 Oct 2024 06:57:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.9 The Thermogenic Effect: Keep Warm And Lose Weight https://restoringmums.com/2015/03/23/thermogenic-effect-and-weight-loss/ Mon, 23 Mar 2015 00:00:06 +0000 http://themamapost.com/?p=932 All warm-blooded animals, including humans, naturally produce heat. There are several ways in which this process – known as thermogenesis – can be done, including exercise and shivering (in which the muscles are heated up to different degrees with physical activity). However, did you know that thermogenesis can also be induced by your dietary components […]

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All warm-blooded animals, including humans, naturally produce heat. There are several ways in which this process – known as thermogenesis – can be done, including exercise and shivering (in which the muscles are heated up to different degrees with physical activity).

However, did you know that thermogenesis can also be induced by your dietary components and, as a significant component of the metabolic rate, this process can be stimulated to increase energy expenditure and therefore fat oxidation? That’s right: eating certain food groups can help to keep you slim because your resting metabolic rate is raised during digestion, absorption and distribution of nutrients. Simply put, your body works harder to process certain foods, and the thermic effect of this can take inches off your waistline.

The foods listed below are all thermogenic agents, meaning they increase your body temperature thus helping to burn fat more effectively. So if, like me, you don’t do much exercise, you may want to include the following in your diet to help keep you slim.

Ginger Tea

Ginger Tea

Ginger Tea

Ginger is well known as a natural digestive aid, but it also helps to reduce your belly fat by suppressing cortisol production. Cortisol is a steroid hormone essential for energy regulation and mobilisation. So, have ginger tea daily to aid your efforts of losing belly fat.

Whole Foods

Whole Foods

Whole Foods

Oatmeal and brown rice are highly recommended for those seeking to lose weight on a thermogenic diet, because your body burns twice as many calories breaking down whole foods than it does processed foods.

Lean Meats

Lean Meats

The low fat protein in lean meat and poultry has a high thermogenic effect on the body. Protein takes much longer for the body to digest than fats or carbohydrates.

Green Tea

Green Tea

Green Tea

In a report by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, drinking four cups of green tea a day helped people shed more than six pounds in eight weeks. Now that’s just by drinking tea alone, so for those who dislike exercise, this may be a fantastic option. Try drinking it hot!




One cup of lentils packs 35% of your daily iron needs and it’s low in GI as well. According to Tammy Lakatos Shames, co-author of The Secret to Skinny, our metabolism slows when our body is not getting what it needs to work efficiently. As 20% of us are also deficient in iron, adding this into our daily diet may be doubly beneficial.

Hot Peppers a.k.a. Chillies



Chillies are my favourite food and it’s music to my ears to discover that capsaicin, the compound that gives chilli peppers their kick, also heats up your body, which makes you melt additional calories.

Virgin Coconut Oil

Virgin Coconut Oil

Virgin Coconut Oil

Medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) found in virgin coconut oil retard the accumulation of fat in the body. A British study found that adding chilli and MCT to meals increases dietary induced thermogenesis and over time may cumulate to help induce weight loss, equally preventing weight gain.

Karen Loke – Founder and Practitioner, Restoring Mums

Photo Sources: Internet所有溫血動物,包括人類,都會自然地產生熱量。這個名為生熱作用的過程可以通過幾個方法做到,包括運動和顫抖(其中肌肉被加熱到與身體活動不同的程度)。


















《美國臨床營養學報》(American Journal of Clinical Nutrition)的一份報告指出,每日飲用四杯綠茶有助於八週內減掉多於6磅。現在只要飲茶就可以減肥!對於那些不喜歡做運動的人來說,這可能是一大喜訊!熱飲效果更好!




一杯扁豆包含了35%的每日所需的鐵,而且它是低升糖指數(GI)的食物。根據"The Secret to Skinny"(《瘦身的秘密》)的合著者Tammy Lakatos Shames,當我們的身體得不到它所需要的元素去高效地工作時,新陳代謝就會減慢。由於20%的人都缺乏鐵,所以將鐵加到我們的日常飲食中可能會令減肥事半功倍。









Restoring Mums創辦人和治療師Karen Loke


The post The Thermogenic Effect: Keep Warm And Lose Weight appeared first on Restoring Mums.

Did You Know Blueberries Help Lose Belly Fat? https://restoringmums.com/2015/03/16/blueberries-help-lose-belly-fat/ Mon, 16 Mar 2015 00:00:45 +0000 http://themamapost.com/?p=944 Losing belly fat does not necessarily mean restricting your diet or doing your ab exercises – sometimes just eating the right food may also aid in losing belly fat. Did you know blueberries will help you do just that? It is common knowledge that blueberries are rich in antioxidants, but a 2009 study entitled Blueberries […]

The post Did You Know Blueberries Help Lose Belly Fat? appeared first on Restoring Mums.

Losing belly fat does not necessarily mean restricting your diet or doing your ab exercises – sometimes just eating the right food may also aid in losing belly fat. Did you know blueberries will help you do just that?

It is common knowledge that blueberries are rich in antioxidants, but a 2009 study entitled Blueberries Boost Heart Health suggests that this popular fruit may be an important component to losing abdominal fat. Researchers at University of Michigan’s Cardioprotection Research Laboratory discovered that anthocyanin, the naturally occurring chemical present in blueberries, might alter the way the body stores and processes sugar. Over a 90-day test period, researchers fed rats that had been bred to be obese either a high or low-fat diet, the latter diet being enriched with whole blueberry powder. Results showed that the rats that were fed blueberries ended up with less abdominal fat, lower cholesterol and improved glucose control. These rats also lost body weight and fat mass.

Here are two suggestions on ways you can incorporate these tasty berries into your diet:

Flat Belly Salad

Blueberries Cucumber Salad

Blueberries Cucumber Salad

Salad ingredients:

  • Salad leaves of your choice
  • ¼ cup cucumber, diced
  • ¼ cup pineapple chunks
  • ¼ cup fresh blueberries
  • ¼ avocado, diced
  • 1 tablespoon chopped onions

Salad dressing ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • Juice of half a fresh lemon
  • ½ tablespoon maple syrup


  1. Mix salad ingredients in a bowl
  2. Mix together salad dressing, drizzle over salad and enjoy!

Flat Belly Drink

Blueberries Juice

Blueberries Juice

– 1 box of fresh blueberries

– 1 fresh coconut

  1. Chop off the top of the coconut to open up the shell
  2. Pour out the coconut water and spoon out the coconut flesh
  3. In a blender, blend blueberries, coconut water and coconut flesh
  4. Enjoy!

Karen Loke – Founder and Practitioner, Restoring Mums

Photo Sources: Internet其實,要減走腹部脂肪不一定要節食或者做運動,有時候只要食物吃得對,也可以幫您減走腹部脂肪的!您知道藍莓可以幫您做到這一點嗎?

眾所周知,藍莓含有豐富的抗氧化劑,但是,2009年一份題為《藍莓促進心臟健康》(Blueberries Boost Heart Health)的研究報告指出,這種深受各位歡迎的水果更可能能夠大大地幫助減去腹部脂肪。美國密西根大學心臟保護研究實驗室的研究人員發現,花青素,一種存在於藍莓中的天然化學物質,可能會改變身體儲存和處理糖的方式。在90天的測試期間,研究人員用高或低脂肪飲食餵食已培育成過胖的老鼠,其中低脂肪飲食中加入了全藍莓粉。結果表明,被餵食了藍莓的老鼠的腹部脂肪減少了。另外,牠們的膽固醇降低了,血糖控制得以改善,體重和脂肪量也下降了。






  • 隨您喜愛的沙律葉
  • 1/4杯黃瓜,切丁
  • 1/4杯菠蘿塊
  • 1/4杯新鮮的藍莓
  • 1/4牛油果,切塊
  • 1湯匙切碎的洋蔥


  • 1湯匙橄欖油
  • 半個新鮮檸檬果汁
  • 1/2湯匙楓糖漿


  1. 在碗裡將沙律配料混合
  2. 將沙律醬配料混合,淋在沙律配料上,然後盡情享用吧!




  • 1盒新鮮藍莓
  • 1個新鮮椰子
  1. 砍掉椰子頂部,打開外殼
  2. 倒出椰子水,用匙挖出椰子肉
  3. 將藍莓椰子水和椰子肉放入攪拌機攪爛
  4. 盡情享用吧!

Restoring Mums創辦人和治療師Karen Loke


The post Did You Know Blueberries Help Lose Belly Fat? appeared first on Restoring Mums.

Proper Use of Postpartum Corset And Your Health https://restoringmums.com/2015/03/09/proper-use-of-postpartum-corset-and-your-health/ Mon, 09 Mar 2015 00:00:00 +0000 http://themamapost.com/?p=684 Belly wrap and waist cincher are large belt or wrap worn across the waist. They are great tools to trim your postpartum waistline and abdomen. Many over-enthusiastic mums fasten the wrap too tightly in order to shrink their abdomen. Shrink it they will, but when there is so much inward pressure on the abdomen, you […]

The post Proper Use of Postpartum Corset And Your Health appeared first on Restoring Mums.

Belly wrap and waist cincher are large belt or wrap worn across the waist. They are great tools to trim your postpartum waistline and abdomen. Many over-enthusiastic mums fasten the wrap too tightly in order to shrink their abdomen. Shrink it they will, but when there is so much inward pressure on the abdomen, you are also creating a potentially harmful downward pressure on the womb and pelvic floor muscles.

Excessive Pressure Pushing Womb Out of Position

Excessive Pressure Pushing Womb Out of Position

Following childbirth, the womb takes about six weeks to return back to its size. What is not normally emphasised is the womb also needs to be back to its proper position for homeostasis and homeodynamics. When there is a strong downward pressure on the lower abdomen, it can cause your womb to prolapse or further weaken the pelvic floor muscles. Read our article to know more about this subject as to how a displaced womb can affect a woman’s health considerably.

When you wear a belly wrap or waist cincher (loosely termed as postpartum corset) and you feel pressure on your perineum or a sensation of “something” is bulging out of your vagina – these are signs that you are wearing your wrap too tightly. The pelvic floor muscles supports your bladder, womb and bowels. Having a weak pelvic floor makes it harder for you to squeeze the muscles at the bottom of your bladder and cause accidental leaks when you cough, sneeze or am holding your pee.

Excessive Pressure - Side View

Excessive Pressure – Side View

Considering the above, a panty-like corset compression garment works better by ensuring the compression effect is even throughout the abdominal area. An even better option is the traditional abdominal binding method, which wraps your abdomen specifically according to your body shape instead of just choosing the closest-fitting size. The ideal is of course giving yourselves a treat of traditional binding and massage treatments.

Traditional Abdominal Binder

Traditional Abdominal Binder

However, when an abdominal binding service is not an option, choose a postpartum compression garment that you feel is comfortable enough to wear over a period of two to three months post-delivery for best effect.

Karen Loke – Founder and Practitioner, Restoring Mums Limited腹部包裹型 (Belly Wrap)腰夾式塑身型 (Waist Cincher)的產後束腹帶跨越整個腰部。他們都是很好的產後修身(腰圍和腹部)工具。但是我見過很多過分熱衷的媽媽以產後束腹帶把自己長時間包得太緊,想達到縮小自己腰圍和腹部的最大效果。這一番”努力”當然會幫助媽媽們達到縮小腰圍和腹喇,但是當有太大的外來壓縮力施予媽媽的腹部時,這便有很大可能造成對媽媽子宮和盆底肌肉的傷害。

Girdles Pressure


分娩後,子宮大約需要六週才會自然的回到它在產前的大小。除此以外, 許多媽媽也忽略了子宮須回到正確的位置以達到媽媽身體機能的自然調節. 當下腹部位有太大的外來壓縮向下擠壓時,這可能會導致媽媽的子宮下垂或進一步削弱盆底肌肉。(建議讀者細閱”子宫的位置決定妳的健康”一文,以了解這個問題。)

當媽媽們穿上腹部包裹型 (Belly Wrap)腰夾式塑身型 (Waist Cincher)的產後束腹帶修身,妳會感覺到陰部會有一些壓力或感覺到有些“東西”在陰道鼓起時 – 這些都是妳的產後束腹帶包裹得太緊的跡象。盆底肌肉在支撐着媽媽的膀胱,子宮和腸道。弱的盆底肌肉使媽媽們更難擠縮在膀胱底部的肌肉, 造成當你咳嗽,打噴嚏或憋尿時會有尿失禁的問題。

太大的外來壓縮向下擠壓 - 側面圖

太大的外來壓縮向下擠壓 – 側面圖

鑑於上述情況,産後束衣 褲型(Postpartum Panty-Like Corset) 是一個更好的選擇因為它的設計是確保壓縮力均勻分佈在整個腹部區域。但是我個人認為沒有比[傳統馬甲式束衣]更完美的,它的專門設計是根據媽媽不同的體型按腹部和腰圍去施予足夠但不會太大的壓縮力,這就是選擇最接近自己合身的尺寸的普通產後束腹帶所不能比擬的地方。



話雖如此,當媽媽們身邊未能找到傳統專業產後修身的服務時, 那選擇一個合適自己身型, 穿戴舒適的產後束腹帶(建議讀者細閱”産後媽媽最關注又最貼身的課題是…?”一文,以了解這個課題。), 穿上兩到三個月後也可以達到一定的效果。

Restoring Mums創辦人和治療師Karen Loke

The post Proper Use of Postpartum Corset And Your Health appeared first on Restoring Mums.

Which Postpartum Corset Is Right For Me? https://restoringmums.com/2015/03/02/which-postpartum-corset-is-right-for-me/ Mon, 02 Mar 2015 06:48:51 +0000 http://themamapost.com/?p=543 One of the few key challenges facing many mums who try to get back to their pre-baby figure is getting to know which postpartum corset is right for me. Choose the right postpartum corset helps you jumpstart your quest to get back to pre-baby figure on the right track. A corset is a tightly-fitting woman’s undergarment […]

The post Which Postpartum Corset Is Right For Me? appeared first on Restoring Mums.

One of the few key challenges facing many mums who try to get back to their pre-baby figure is getting to know which postpartum corset is right for me. Choose the right postpartum corset helps you jumpstart your quest to get back to pre-baby figure on the right track.

A corset is a tightly-fitting woman’s undergarment extending from below the chest to the hips, and is worn to shape the figure. It acts as frame or mould for your body and encourages weight loss following childbirth through a combination of compression and induced perspiration.

Before getting a postpartum corset, these are few considerations you must take into account:-

  • Postpartum corsets should feel really firm, with very little elasticity. If the corset is too loose, it will not have the required shaping effect and your effort from wearing it day and night will be wasted.
  • Look for a corset with a special flap for easy bathroom use; otherwise you will have to take off the entire corset for each bathroom visit, which is very cumbersome and time-consuming – you might just give up after a few attempts!
  • Try to avoid latex materials if your skin is prone to allergy.
  • Avoid wire supports that sit vertically below your bust, as they either poke uncomfortably into your breasts when you sit down, or onto your thigh. Wire support on the sides is far better for you and more comfortable.
  • Choose a corset that is panty-like and supports your lower abdomen up to just below your breast. That way, you have your entire abdomen covered and compressed.
  • Some corsets are very short, covering just above the navel. Such corsets aren’t recommended in this instance, as the lower abdominal fats are pushed up and out of the corset, creating an unsightly muffin-top look. 

Muffin-top Source: Glamour.com

Choosing a postpartum corset that works for your body shape can be a breeze once you have a good grasp of the differences between their fundamental designs and purposes:-

Tummy Wrap

Belly Wrap

1. Belly Wrap

  • Appropriate for woman who has shorter torso, so the wrap can cover the entire abdomen
  • Not so for woman with longer torso as it creates a muffin top effect, and causes too much downward abdominal pressure that may harm the womb and pelvic floor muscle.
Waist Cincher

Waist Cincer

2. Waist Cincher

  • Appropriate for woman who has shorter torso, so the wrap can cover the entire abdomen
  • Not so for woman with longer torso as it creates a muffin top effect, and causes too much downward abdominal pressure that may harm the womb and pelvic floor muscle.
  • Some waist cincher are made of very elastic materials with wire support at the front which may poke into your breast or thighs when sitting.
C-Section Support Belt

C-Section Support Belt

3. C-Section Support Belt / Wrap

  • C-section support belt made of cotton is a great tool to support C-section healing and the womb.
  • This should NOT be worn as abdominal binders as the width is too small to cover the entire abdomen.
  • May give a muffin top look if you have a thicker layer of fats in your abdomen.
C-Section Panty

C-Section Panty

4. C-section Panty

  • Like the C-section Support Belt, a C-section Panty is great for C-section healing and provides comfortable compression for scar healing.
  • Compression cannot be adjusted so when your tummy size shrinks further, you may need a smaller size panty
  • The panty normally covers below your navel and therefore not a good choice if you’d like to compress your entire abdomen.
Postpartum Panty Like Corset

Postpartum Panty Like Corset

5. Postpartum Panty-Like Corset

  • Recommended type of corset among all others as this corset provides good abdominal support entirely.
  • May create a muffin top for woman who has thicker fat deposits on your abdomen
  • Woman with longer torso may find the corset not able to cover the entire abdomen
  • Choose one with wire support on the sides
  • The top of the corset may roll down if there is no wire support for this type of corset.
High Waist Panty Like Corset With Strap Support

High Waist Panty Like Corset With Strap Support

6. High-waist Panty-Like Corset with Strap Support

  • This is by far the most comfortable and supportive postpartum corset
  • Strap support prevents the top corset to roll down during use and wire support are not necessary for these type of corsets
  • High waist model covers the entire abdomen well, even for woman with longer torso
  • This could double up as C-section healing support.

Don’t forget to check in again for another article where I will share with you the tips on why it is so important to use the postpartum corset correctly!

Karen Loke, Founder and Practitioner, Restoring Mums廿一世紀美麗優雅, 衣著時尚的産後媽媽最關注又最貼身的課題(除了育嬰以外)相信就是産後修身吧? 而挑戰這課題的成敗關鍵就非選擇最適合自己的[産後束腹帶]莫屬. 選對了, 有事半功倍之效, 但選錯了非旦白費心機, 而且有可能對妳的健康有影響!

[産後束腹帶]是緊貼着媽媽,從胸部延伸到臀部下方的的內衣,我們穿上它的主要目的是為天生愛美的我們塑造優美的體型。它的主要功能是作為我們身型的模具,如框架般, 通過壓縮和誘導排汗的組合, 自然的去促使分娩後媽媽的身型塑造及體重的下降。

KAREN   小貼士


  1. 當穿上[産後束腹帶]時感覺應該是很牢固,很少彈性的。如果[産後束腹帶]太鬆的話,那它就失去應該具有所需的整形效果,穿了也白費你的心機與努力。
  2. 盡可能選擇“複合式”設計而非“笠式”設計的[産後束腹帶]. “複合式”設計的[産後束腹帶]方便妳在上洗手間時能快速又自如的鬆開而上完洗手間後可再輕鬆自如的綁好. 否則,這日常上洗手間的小事會因妳穿上了[産後束腹帶]變得非常繁瑣和費時的 – 你嘗試幾次後可能會乾脆放棄不再穿上那[産後束腹帶]從而失去修身機會, 那豈不是太可惜了!
  3. 若妳有皮膚過敏症就盡量不要選擇以”膠乳”為原料的[産後束腹帶].
  4. 盡量避免選擇在胸圍下方有金屬絲支撐的[産後束腹帶]. 當妳坐下來時它有可能捅入妳的乳房或大腿. 若金屬絲支撐是在左右兩側那會比較舒適.
  5. 盡量選擇”高桶內褲“ 型的[産後束腹帶]. 這從下腹向上延伸到胸圍的設計可以給予妳整個腹部完整無缺的, 均勻的壓縮讓妳的身體自然的重塑.
  6. 市面上有些[産後束腹帶]或(褲)的設計非常短, 它們只覆蓋到媽媽肚臍的部位.  我不建議選擇這些[産後束腹帶]因為它把沉積在下腹的脂肪往上推, 但又因為設計短的原因造成腹部贅肉橫向地在[産後束腹帶]頭凸出, 非常不雅. 英文有個非常有趣而又很貼切的形容詞為[muffin-top] – 我故且就翻譯成[鬆餅頂部]的效果吧, 嘻!

Muffin-Top 源自Glamour.com

下面我會圖文並茂為妳剖析市面上六類最常見的[産後束腹帶]設計. 一旦妳掌握了這些[産後束腹帶]的基本設計和目的及它們之間的差異後, 選擇一個適合你身形的[産後束腹帶]就可以是一件輕而易舉的小事一樁了:-

Tummy Wrap


腹部包裹型 (Belly Wrap)

  1. 適用於擁有較短的軀幹身型的媽媽,這類設計可以覆蓋較短軀幹身型媽媽的整個腹部.
  2. 擁有較長的軀幹身型的媽媽必須避免選擇這類設計,因為它會形成一個[鬆餅頂部]的效果,並導致過多向腹部位置往下推的壓擠力,很可能會傷害子宮和盆底肌肉。 
Waist Cincher


腰夾式塑身型 (Waist Cincher)

  1. 適用於擁有較短的軀幹身型的媽媽,這類設計可以覆蓋較短軀幹身型媽媽的整個腹部.
  2. 擁有較長的軀幹身型的媽媽必須避免選擇這類設計,因為它會形成一個[鬆餅頂部]的效果,並導致過多向腹部位置往下推的壓擠力,很可能會傷害子宮和盆底肌肉。
  3. 市面上流行的腰夾式塑身型[産後束腹帶], 是由非常有彈性的材料縫製,並且在胸圍下方有金屬絲支撐. 坐著時可能會捅着媽媽的乳房或大腿。
C-Section Support Belt

剖腹產型 – 腰帶或包裹

剖腹型 – 腰帶或包裹 (C-Section Support Belt / Wrap)

  1. 通常是棉製, 它是每位剖腹產媽媽的最佳拍擋, 其特點是幫助剖腹產媽媽C-部分和子宮的自然癒合。
  2. 這類設計不應該被用作[産後束腹帶]因為它的寬度太小,不能以均勻舒適有力的壓縮力覆蓋媽媽的整個腹部所以未能達到重塑身型的目的.
  3. 若媽媽有脂肪沉積在腹部就可能會形成[鬆餅頂部]的效果。
C-Section Panty

剖腹產型 – 內褲

剖腹型 – 褲 (C-Section Panty)

  1. 像剖腹產型腰帶或包裹,這設計是每位剖腹產媽媽的佳音, 其特點除了是幫助剖腹產媽媽C-部分和子宮的自然癒合外,並提供舒適的壓縮力促使手術後留下的疤痕的癒合。
  2. 這褲的壓縮力無法被調整,所以當肚子尺寸進一步的縮小時, 可能需要買一個更小尺寸的褲, 穿不足一兩個月就棄用, 不環保也有點不划算!
  3. 這褲的設計一般只覆蓋到媽媽的肚臍部位,因為不能覆蓋媽媽的整個腹部所以未能達到重塑身型的目的.
Postpartum Panty Like Corset

産後束衣 – 內褲型

産後束衣 – 褲型(Postpartum Panty-Like Corset)

  1. 我會推薦此設計,因為它給產後媽媽提供了全方位腹部的覆蓋。
  2. 若媽媽的腹部沉積了較厚的脂肪, 使用此設計的束衣有可能會形成一個[鬆餅頂部]的效果.
  3. 擁有較長的軀幹身型的媽媽必須避免選擇這類設計因為此設計無法覆蓋驅幹較長的媽的整個腹部.
  4. 緊記要選擇有左右兩側金屬絲支撐的款式.
  5. 如果沒有左右兩側金屬絲支撐的支撐, 産後束衣的頂部可能滾下來, 不適也不雅觀。
High Waist Panty Like Corset With Strap Support

高腰線産後束衣 – 內褲型(緞帶)

高腰線産後束衣 – 褲型(緞帶) (High-Waist Panty-Like Corset with Strap Support)

  1. 這是迄今為止市面上流行, 最舒適和最有支撐力的[產後束腹帶].
  2. 緞帶的支撐防止[產後束腹帶]頂部滾下來; 此設計也不須要金屬絲支撐, 非常舒適.
  3. 高腰線設計給予產後媽媽的腹部一個完整的覆蓋,即使擁有較長軀幹身型的媽媽也適用.
  4. 這款式也可以用來兼任C-部分的癒合.

下星期我將與你分享為什麼要正確使用[產後束腹帶], 它與妳的健康又有什麼關係!記得回來噢.

Restoring Mums創辦人和治療師 Karen Loke

The post Which Postpartum Corset Is Right For Me? appeared first on Restoring Mums.

Womb Position Can Determine Your Health https://restoringmums.com/2014/12/27/womb-position-can-determine-your-health/ Sat, 27 Dec 2014 15:30:38 +0000 http://themamapost.com/?p=473 If you’ve ever experienced a postnatal massage by an Indonesian or Malay practitioner, you may be familiar with the term “your uterus is hanging low,” or, “your womb is laying too low”. In Malay language, they call it “peranakan jatuh”. Being able to read and write in the Malay language, I am grateful to be […]

The post Womb Position Can Determine Your Health appeared first on Restoring Mums.

If you’ve ever experienced a postnatal massage by an Indonesian or Malay practitioner, you may be familiar with the term “your uterus is hanging low,” or, “your womb is laying too low”. In Malay language, they call it “peranakan jatuh”. Being able to read and write in the Malay language, I am grateful to be able to research on the little literature there is available, and talk to many wonderful and humble Malay traditional postnatal care practitioners

It is common for Malay or Indonesian masseurs to correct the positioning of the womb for a women’s wellness, for the Malays believe the womb is a woman’s core and her outward beauty is a reflection of the condition of her womb. In South East Asia, “No cold drinks” and “No lifting of heavy objects” are common words of advice given by our grandmothers and mothers, believed to maintain womb health and wellbeing.

So what really does it mean to have a “low hanging uterus or womb”?

When I first studied Malay postnatal massage, be it in a university setting, in a modern spa or via traditional Malay masseurs, I was taught the position of the womb and how to massage – yet many of my questions on anatomy were never convincingly answered.

However, when I studied The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® by Dr Rosita Arvigo, I realised how similar these two cultures are in terms of correcting womb positioning, and exactly how a misaligned uterus affects our health. Dr Arvigo has derived her specific therapy technique to help reposition reproductive organs and improve blood flow to digestive organs using an external, non-invasive hand manipulation method.

Here I’d like to share what I learnt and explain what it means when you are told that your uterus (or womb) has “dropped”.

A uterine prolapse is commonly known medically and refers to a condition when the uterus slips down into the vagina. A hollow, muscular organ roughly the size of a fist in a non-pregnant state, the uterus is suspended in the pelvis by fourteen ligaments and connective tissue and supported by the pelvic floor muscles. It is positioned in the lower medial pelvis, slightly above the bladder and in front of the colon, which allows for maximum circulation of arterial blood, nerve supply from the spinal column, exiting venous blood and lymphatic drainage.

The uterus is connected to the vagina by the cervix in a continuous flow of tissue.

Prolapse occurs when the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments are stretched and weaken, no longer providing adequate support for the uterus, which slips down into or protrudes out of the vagina.

Potential causes of uterine prolapse include:

  • Damage to supportive tissues during pregnancy and childbirth
  • The effects of gravity over time
  • Loss of oestrogen as the woman matures
  • Repeated straining over the years

The uterus can also slip out of place because ligaments and connective tissue are subject to lengthening and shortening and occasionally become distorted or inelastic. A displaced uterus can also be referred to as the following:

  • Tilted uterus or tilted womb
  • Retroflexed uterus
  • Retroverted uterus
  • Anteflexed uterus

The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® teach that proper knowledge and application of repositioning techniques helps them to heal. So why does it matter to know the condition of our womb?

Following are some common symptoms of a displaced uterus:

  1. Menstrual problems – painful periods; late, early or irregular periods; unusually dark, thick blood at the onset or end of menstruation; related headaches or migraine
  2. Urinary issues – frequent urination, bladder infections and incontinence
  3. Ovulatory symptoms – irregular or painful ovulation
  4. Musculoskeletal indications – low backache, sore heels when walking

What causes these conditions? According to Dr Arvigo, the main reasons are:

  1. Repeated pregnancies close together with difficult deliveries

When pregnancies occur close together, there is insufficient time for the length and strength of uterine ligaments to normalise before the next baby is conceived, especially in the case of large babies or complicated deliveries.

  1. Undue pressure is placed on the uterus during pregnancy, birth and postpartum

The abdominal organs above the uterus can weigh up to 40-60lbs. When a woman lifts a heavy object, the diaphragm places downward pressure on her abdominal organs. The pelvic floor muscles (which have experienced recent strain during childbirth) may be unable to withstand further pressure and weight from above. This often results in a uterine prolapse. Carrying heavy objects may also harm the uterine ligaments and muscular wall, which takes time to heal. The Mayans believes in wearing a “faja” (abdominal wrap or postnatal corset) and similarly the Malays wear a “bengkung” – both are made of cloth and support the uterus until the ligaments have time to heal and revert back into their proper position and length.

Womb Position & Health

Womb Position At 40 Weeks Pregnant

The above picture shows a stretched Round Ligament, Broad Ligament and Uterosacral Ligament, connecting the uterus to the pelvis and sacrum. (Source: The Growing Uterus Chart: 40 weeks pregnant at term picture.)

Additionally, Dr Arvigo also lists the following as potential causes for a displaced uterus:

  • Scarring from adhesions as a result of endometriosis or fibroids
  • Injury to sacrum or tailbone from a fall or accident
  • Wearing high-heeled shoes
  • Running on cement surfaces; high-impact dancing, aerobics or sports
  • Chronic cough
  • The aging process

Similarly, the Malays believe the uterus needs to be returned to its original position following childbirth to prevent prolapse and side effects such as incontinence. The sixty-day period following delivery is the recommended timeframe to care for the uterus to allow it to heal and return to its pre-pregnancy size and position, especially given the fact that the relaxin hormone is still naturally present in the body during this time.

Karen Loke, Founder and Practitioner, Restoring Mums如果妳曾經進行由印尼或馬來人主理的產後按摩,妳會知道甚麼叫「子宮下垂」。在馬來語中,它被稱為「peranakan jatuh」。我能夠讀寫馬來語,因此我很高興可以研究現存極少部分可用的文獻,以及與很多經驗豐富但非常謙虛的馬來傳統產後護理治療師對談,交換意見並從中學習相關知識。




可是,當我到美國猶他州學習Rosita Arvigo博士的Maya腹部治療Arvigo技術®時,說到還原子宮位置和錯位的子宮究竟是如何影響我們的健康時,我終於明白到這兩種馬來與馬雅女性護理文化是如何地相似。Arvigo博士導出特定治療技術,使用外部的、非入侵性的手動操作方法去幫助重新定位生殖器官和改善血液流向消化器官的情況。






  • 支持組織在懷孕和分娩過程損壞
  • 地心吸力的影響
  • 女性成熟時雌激素減少
  • 多年反覆的用力


  • 子宮傾斜
  • 子宮後翻
  • 子宮後傾
  • 子宮前屈



  • 月經問題──經痛;經早、經遲或月經不調;月經開始或結束時不尋常的深色和血厚;相關的頭痛或偏頭痛
  • 泌尿問題──尿頻、膀胱受到感染和尿失禁
  • 排卵期的症狀──不規則或排卵痛楚
  • 骨關節肌肉的症狀──下腰腰酸,走路時腳後跟痛


1. 頻密的懷孕和難產


2. 懷孕、分娩時和產後不必要的壓力被施加在子宮上


Womb Position & Health

Womb Position At 40 Weeks Pregnant

上圖顯示了被拉伸了的圓韌帶、闊韌帶和子宮骶骨韌帶,連接子宮至骨盆和骶骨。(來源:The Growing Uterus Chart: 40 weeks pregnant at term picture.)


  • 因子宮內膜異位和子宮肌瘤而引致的黏連疤痕
  • 骶骨或尾骨因跌倒或事故而受傷
  • 穿著高跟鞋
  • 在水泥表面跑動;高強度的舞蹈、健美操或運動
  • 久咳不愈
  • 老化過程


Restoring Mums創辦人和治療師Karen Loke

The post Womb Position Can Determine Your Health appeared first on Restoring Mums.

What Good Do Hip Binders Do Me After Birth? https://restoringmums.com/2014/12/12/hip-binder/ Fri, 12 Dec 2014 10:41:05 +0000 http://themamapost.com/?p=467 [adrotate banner=”10″] I was naïve to think that I would return to my pre-pregnancy size after giving birth to my first baby. After gaining 18kg (thanks to an excellent appetite both before and after delivery, not to mention a bar of chocolate every day), it struck me two months after delivery that I just wasn’t […]

The post What Good Do Hip Binders Do Me After Birth? appeared first on Restoring Mums.

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I was naïve to think that I would return to my pre-pregnancy size after giving birth to my first baby. After gaining 18kg (thanks to an excellent appetite both before and after delivery, not to mention a bar of chocolate every day), it struck me two months after delivery that I just wasn’t getting any smaller in size. I could hardly pull up my jeans or even fit into my tops without stretching the front buttons.

It was only after having my third child that I learnt about relaxin, the hormone naturally secreted during pregnancy, which is responsible for opening and softening the cervix and vagina to aid the process of childbirth. Relaxin also loosens the ligaments at the front of the pelvis (pubis symphysis) and the sacroiliac joints, and allows it to widen, both to support the growing baby and for ease of delivery. Incidentally, relaxin makes you slightly more susceptible to ankle and wrist sprains, and can be blamed for broader shoulders, a widened waistline, and a larger shoe size!

Many women notice their hips are wider after pregnancy, even after returning to their pre-pregnancy weight. The reason for this is because your growing baby pushed them out, eventually engaging in your pelvic cavity. Remember, the pelvic bone is not one big bone; it consists of four bones that are joined together by ligaments. After childbirth your hips looks wider not because your hipbones have grown, but because the ligaments that connect the four bones in your pelvis have loosened and are therefore “stretchable”.

The fact is that relaxin is still present in a mother’s body some eight weeks after delivery, and even longer if you are still breastfeeding.

This is where hip binders (or postnatal corset) come in. By leveraging the relaxin still present in a mother’s body after birth, wearing a hip binder provides an outer compression to gently guide the widened pelvic bones back to their original shape. By capitalising on these normal physiologic changes associated with pregnancy, a hip binder, when worn after delivery, applies pressure directly to your hips to help you return to your pre-pregnancy size.

There are a few hip binders on the market, namely Shrinkx Hips and Hip Slimmer that really help bring in your hips so you can fit into your old clothes once again. Additionally abdominal binding techniques will do the same job most effectively.

I have tried it, and I can attest that it works – I’m back to my size “0” jeans! 🙂

Karen Loke, Founder and Practitioner, Restoring Mums.[adrotate banner=”10″]






市面上有幾款束臀帶(臀圍帶),名叫Shrinkx HipsHip Slimmer,它們真的能夠幫妳修臀,令妳可以再次穿回產前買下的衣褲。另外束腹技術也可以做到同樣的功效。

我已經試過了,我可以證明它是有效的──我可以穿回尺寸「0」的牛仔褲了! 🙂

Restoring Mums創辦人和治療師Karen Loke

The post What Good Do Hip Binders Do Me After Birth? appeared first on Restoring Mums.

3 Facts About Tummy Fat & How To Get Rid of It. https://restoringmums.com/2014/12/05/can-tummy-massage-get-rid-of-tummy-fat/ Fri, 05 Dec 2014 02:57:38 +0000 http://themamapost.com/?p=408 “Why do I put on so much tummy fat during pregnancy and can tummy massage get rid of tummy fat?” is one question I face more often than others and I attempt to share my thoughts with you today. Few women bid farewell to pregnancy with a perfectly flat stomach. As well as making room for […]

The post 3 Facts About Tummy Fat & How To Get Rid of It. appeared first on Restoring Mums.

“Why do I put on so much tummy fat during pregnancy and can tummy massage get rid of tummy fat?” is one question I face more often than others and I attempt to share my thoughts with you today.

Few women bid farewell to pregnancy with a perfectly flat stomach. As well as making room for your growing baby, tummy fat is a by-product of three main factors:

  • Pregnancy. Pregnancy causes fat gain around the midriff so that the skin is able to stretch more easily as the baby increases in size, and so that your little one is adequately protected from the outside world.
  • Hormones. Pregnancy hormones including oestrogen cause an expectant mum to store fat around her tummy and thighs in preparation for breastfeeding.
  • Genetics. If your mum put on a lot of weight during her pregnancy with you, chances are you will too. Some women are automatically prone to storing more fat than others – unfortunately it’s just the luck of the draw.

Other factors that may contribute to a new mum’s waistline include diet, exercise and stress (the cortisol hormone released during stress causes excess fat to be stored around the stomach area).

When we think of tummy fat, we generally think of subcutaneous fat, which is visible just below the skin’s surface. In fact the appearance of a larger waist is often due to visceral fat, which is deposited much deeper within the body, and lies around your internal organs. Often visceral fat pushes your skin layer out further, making your tummy ‘stick out’.

Abdominal massage is an excellent method of shifting your post-natal tummy fat. A recent study by the Department of Nursing, Wonkwang Health Science College in Korea noted that abdominal massage with specific essential oils reduced belly fat in a group of post-menopausal women. Measured against a control group using simple grapeseed oil, the experimental group experienced a loss of both abdominal subcutaneous fat and overall waist circumference. Interestingly, body image in the experimental group was significantly better after aromatherapy massage than in the control group, possibly due to the ‘feel good’ factor of the scented oils.

While the above research relates to post-menopausal women, I have found the same results to be true with younger women using my traditional jamu massage techniques.

In addition to abdominal massage, I would always recommend to follow all your health professionals’ recommendations to lose weight after giving birth, whether that entails dietary changes or joining a gym. In my experience, the longer a mum retains her post-natal tummy, the more difficult it is to lose it. Good luck!

Karen Loke, Founder and Practitioner, Restoring Mums「為何我在懷孕期間積聚了那麼多腹部脂肪?腹部按摩可以幫我減去腹部脂肪嗎?」這是我見過的很多媽媽的困擾。今天我希望可以分享我的想法。


  • 懷孕:懷孕導致腹部周圍的脂肪增加,使皮膚能夠伸展,讓胎兒可以生長變大,並且令他可以得到足夠的保護。
  • 荷爾蒙:孕激素包括雌激素會導致準媽媽在肚子和大腿內儲存脂肪,為母乳餵哺作準備。
  • 遺傳:如果妳的媽媽在懷著妳的時候變得肥胖,同樣的情況也會有較大機會發生在妳身上。有些女性的身體會比別人自動儲存更多脂肪,這要看運氣。






Restoring Mums創辦人和治療師Karen Loke

The post 3 Facts About Tummy Fat & How To Get Rid of It. appeared first on Restoring Mums.

Does Your Pelvis Grow Wider Even If You Haven’t Experienced Pregnancy? https://restoringmums.com/2014/12/01/pelvis-grow-wider-even-havent-experienced-pregnancy/ Mon, 01 Dec 2014 03:22:09 +0000 http://www.themamapost.com/?p=325 I care very deeply about helping mums regain their figures after delivery. For me, that includes understanding human anatomy and how the pelvic structure changes during pregnancy. During gestation, the hormone relaxin is produced by the ovaries and placenta, and helps the body prepare for childbirth by relaxing the pelvic ligaments and softening and widening […]

The post Does Your Pelvis Grow Wider Even If You Haven’t Experienced Pregnancy? appeared first on Restoring Mums.

I care very deeply about helping mums regain their figures after delivery. For me, that includes understanding human anatomy and how the pelvic structure changes during pregnancy. During gestation, the hormone relaxin is produced by the ovaries and placenta, and helps the body prepare for childbirth by relaxing the pelvic ligaments and softening and widening the cervix. I have learned that it is possible to shrink it back up using binding techniques (more passionately called tummy wrap or abdominal binding in South East Asia) by leveraging the relaxin, which is still present in the body two months post-delivery.

While I understand that it is natural for a woman’s hips to widen during pregnancy and delivery, I have also observed that women who did not have a child also experienced widening hips as they aged. This plagued me for some time until I read this article.

A study lead by researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has found evidence that, even though you no longer grow any taller during adulthood, your pelvis does continue to widen between the ages of twenty and seventy-nine years. By the age of twenty, most people have reached skeletal maturity and until recently it was assumed that any further skeletal growth had stopped by then.

However, results of the study suggested that the pelvis continues to increase in width after skeletal maturity and cessation of longitudinal growth.


Of course, it is common that people find themselves wider at age forty or sixty than they were in their twenties. We are used to women’s hips ‘spreading’ with age, which had been previously been assumed was linked to weight gain over time. Surprisingly, the researchers found that the pelvis can experience up to a one-inch increase in diameter, which can translate into three inches of increased waistline.

Pelvic Bones of 20 & 79 Years Old

Pelvic Bones of 20 & 79 Years Old

In the above illustration, a twenty-year-old’s pelvis is represented in pink, and a seventy-nine-year-old’s pelvis in black, showing an approximate difference of one inch in width. Image created by Laurence Dahners, MD.

It’s good to know that if we don’t fit into our twenty-year-old jeans when we’re in our forties, it may not be our appetite or overindulgence to blame, but instead our pelvic bones have grown naturally.

Karen Loke – Founder and Practitioner, Restoring Mums我十分關心如何可以幫助媽媽在分娩後重塑身形。對我來說,這包括了解人體解剖構造和盆骨結構如何在懷孕期間出現變化。在懷孕期間,鬆弛激素由卵巢和胎盤產生,通過放鬆盆骨韌帶,以及軟化和擴大子宮頸,幫助媽媽的身體為分娩作準備。據我研究了解,鬆弛激素會殘留在產後的身體內多達兩個月之久. 在這期間我們可以利用針對性的包紮技術(在東南亞更流行的叫法為腹部包紮或束腹或束肚)有效地使盆骨縮小的。


一項由北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校的研究員領導的研究找到證據並指出,即使妳在成年後不再長高,在20歲時,大部分人的骨骼已趨成熟, 但是妳的盆骨在20至79歲期間會繼續變寬。直至最近人們還認為在20歲後骨骼已停止進一步的生長。不過,研究結果表明盆骨在骨骼成熟和停止縱向發育後繼續變寬



Pelvic Bones of 20 & 79 Years Old

Pelvic Bones of 20 & 79 Years Old

上圖中,粉紅色線和黑色線分別表示20歲時和79歲時的骨盆,呈現了將近一英寸寬的差異。圖片由Laurence Dahners, MD創建。

這讓我們明白到如果我們在40多歲時不能穿回二十多歲時的牛仔褲,不一定是因為我們胃口大或放縱飲食導致體重增加令到臀部變寬,而是因為我們的盆骨的自然生長。妳該不會太自責最近吃得太放縱了吧? 🙂

Restoring Mums創辦人和治療師Karen Loke

The post Does Your Pelvis Grow Wider Even If You Haven’t Experienced Pregnancy? appeared first on Restoring Mums.

How Do Japanese & French Women Keep Their Figures After Delivery? Part II https://restoringmums.com/2014/11/27/japanese-french-women-weight-gain-during-pregnancy-2/ Thu, 27 Nov 2014 07:26:56 +0000 http://themamapost.com/?p=658 In the previous post, we examined how Japanese cultures have attributed to Japanese women’s low weight gain during pregnancy. The same is true in France. In that country, the average weight gain ranges between 9kg and 12kg and, similarly to Japan, French ladies are under enormous social pressure not to gain too much weight when pregnant. […]

The post How Do Japanese & French Women Keep Their Figures After Delivery? Part II appeared first on Restoring Mums.

In the previous post, we examined how Japanese cultures have attributed to Japanese women’s low weight gain during pregnancy. The same is true in France. In that country, the average weight gain ranges between 9kg and 12kg and, similarly to Japan, French ladies are under enormous social pressure not to gain too much weight when pregnant. Again, like Japan, in France women are ‘expected’ to shed the extra pounds soon after giving birth, with three months being a reasonable timeline for French women to return to their pre-pregnancy figures.

‘Eat whatever you like but never overindulge,’ and, ‘A little of what you fancy,’ are popular approaches in France. This small, controlled portion size is certainly reminiscent of Japanese practice. A university survey comparing serving sizes in restaurants between Paris and Pennsylvania reveals that American portion sizes are 25% bigger than those in France.

The French diet mainly consists of cream, butter, cheese, meat and complex carbohydrates that keep French women fuller for longer. This fat-rich diet stimulates the production of cholecystokinin, a hormone that suppresses the appetite and promotes an extended sense of satisfaction after eating even small amounts of high-fat foods. Therefore, snacking is uncommon for those consuming a typically French diet.

French mothers teach their daughters that, no matter their body shape or features, they can still be beautiful. The French body confidence helps them stay slim in their own personal style and happiness. I like how Anne Barone, author of the Chic & Slim series of books on French women, promotes the understanding that we can achieve confidence in our own unique bodies and that a savvy, chic and slim French woman knows her weaknesses – that’s her strength.

Another similarity I noticed between the cultures in Japan and France compared to a Chinese tradition both in Hong Kong and elsewhere in Asia, is that the focus is very much on having the baby gain as much weight as possible. Mums overindulge in their appetite for good, nutritious food, often putting their own body at jeopardy. The ‘eating for two’ mindset is prevalent among mothers. Even after they have delivered their babies, I noticed some ladies in confinement still cooking a large meal – enough for two despite having already given birth. They eat desserts and snack between meals, all for the reason that mums should eat more in order to be able to produce more milk for breastfeeding.

The main lessons I have learned from the Japanese and the French are:

  1. Maintain a healthy weight gain during pregnancy.
  2. Exercise portion control over your meals and eat a variety. Don’t skip meals and eat portions that are enough to fill you up, but no more than that. Let your stomach be your guide.
  3. Be mindful of what you eat and cut out the snacks.

After my third baby, I became particularly mindful of what I ate. For all three pregnancies I enjoyed a bar of chocolate every day during my third trimester. Nope, not dark chocolate, but sweetened milk chocolate every single day! Once my craving lessened after delivery, I mindfully cut sugar from my diet. I still ate three bowls of rice daily – rice-bowl-sized and not soup-bowl-sized. After three sugar-free months, I managed to get back to almost my pre-pregnancy weight + 2kg. That, to me, was a realistic achievement.

Karen Loke, Founder and Practitioner, Restoring Mums在前一章中,我們探討過日本社會文化如何令日本女性在懷孕期只增加了很少的體重。法國的情況也一樣,平均體重增加9公斤和12公斤,與日本差不多。法國女性承受著巨大的社會壓力要她們在懷孕時不能變得太重。同樣地,像日本一樣,法國人期望法國女性在分娩後不久就要減磅,而三個月是讓她們重回產前身形的合理時限。



法國媽媽教導她們的女兒無論她們的身形或特徵是怎樣,她們都可以是漂亮的。法國人對身體的自信心讓他們以個人風格和快樂地保持苗條的身材。我喜歡寫有關法國女性的Chic & Slim系列的作者Anne Barone所提倡的。她說我們可以建立對自己獨特的身體的自信! 精明、別緻和苗條的法國女性會知道自己的弱點──這些就是她的實力與優點。



  1. 懷孕期間健康地增重。
  2. 控制每餐的份量和吃不同的食物。每頓飯都要吃,並且吃令妳覺得飽的份量就足夠,不要吃過多。讓妳的胃作為你的嚮導。
  3. 留意妳在吃甚麼,不要吃零食。


Restoring Mums創辦人和治療師Karen Loke

The post How Do Japanese & French Women Keep Their Figures After Delivery? Part II appeared first on Restoring Mums.

How Do Japanese & French Women Keep Their Figures After Delivery? Part I https://restoringmums.com/2014/11/20/japanese-french-women-weight-gain-during-pregnancy/ Wed, 19 Nov 2014 23:48:43 +0000 http://themamapost.com/?p=666 Japanese and French mothers enjoy one major benefit in common – low weight gain during pregnancy. In Japan, the optimal weight gain is 8kg, regardless of the woman’s size or build. In fact, many believe that pregnant ladies could be scolded or even shamed for gaining too much weight, and later blamed for a difficult […]

The post How Do Japanese & French Women Keep Their Figures After Delivery? Part I appeared first on Restoring Mums.

Japanese and French mothers enjoy one major benefit in common – low weight gain during pregnancy.

In Japan, the optimal weight gain is 8kg, regardless of the woman’s size or build. In fact, many believe that pregnant ladies could be scolded or even shamed for gaining too much weight, and later blamed for a difficult labour! On the flip side, Japanese mothers tend to recover their pre-pregnancy figures much faster than their Western counterparts.

In Japan, rice is a staple food source. The carbohydrates in rice satisfy your appetite, keeping you fuller for longer. Diet foods, on the other hand, have the opposite effect in that they make you hungry and you end up eating more.

I can attest to this personally. In one of my training trips to Brisbane, Australia, I was served a mixture of vegetarian and raw food for a week. I thought to myself, “That’s as good a diet as I could hope for,” and proceeded to enjoy the food on offer. However, four days into my trip I felt uncharacteristically bloated and pictures taken of me at that time show that I looked quite chubby! I then realised that, even though I was on a vegetarian diet, I ate much larger portions and consumed more meals than usual, as I was constantly hungry. Even though the diet was nut, dairy and gluten-free, and consisted mainly of fruit, vegetables and nuts, I still put on weight within just one week!

The second interesting point to note is that the Japanese serve food in a far more pleasurable size. The portions are small, but the variety of dishes delights and inspires the taste buds. So Japanese meals may be light, but afterwards you feel content and satisfied, while not uncomfortably full. It is interesting to note that Japan has one of the lowest obesity rates[1] among developed countries at just over 3%, compared to more than 35% for Americans.

In her book Japanese Woman Don’t Get Old Or Fat, Naomi Moriyama says, “You might think it’s all in our genes, but when Japanese people adopt a Western-style diet, they put on weight quickly.” So diet definitely plays an important role in the traditionally slim Japanese frame.

In Japan there is a preference for smaller babies, because this means an easier delivery. Vanity-wise, the less weight gained during pregnancy, the easier and faster it is for mothers to return to their pre-pregnancy figures. Interestingly, it is common practice for Japanese woman to wear postpartum corsets (or more passionately called postnatal girdle in South East Asia) and hip belts to help them achieve this as soon as possible. (To be continued…)

Karen Loke, Founder and Practitioner, Restoring Mums日本和法國的媽媽在懷孕後享受同一個主要的好處── 增加了很少的體重

在日本,不管女性的產前體形大小,在妊娠期間最理想的體重增加為八公斤左右。事實上,在日本,  很多女性相信懷孕期若體重增加得太多是會被人責罵或羞辱的,以及其後會難產。在這無形社會壓力下,卻使日本媽媽往往比西方媽媽更快地回復懷孕前的身材。


我個人可以證明這一點。有一次我去澳洲布里斯班進行專業訓練,一個星期內, 中心只為研究生提供了新鮮的生食與素食的食物。我那時心想這可是千載難得的一個使自己吃得健康又可減減肥的良好契機! 我非常放心地繼續享受他們提供的食物。不過,四日後我變得一反常態地臃腫,那時的照片上的我看上去挺胖的!之後我意識到,即使我正在吃素,因為我總是覺得肚餓,所以我比平時吃更大的份量和更多餐。雖然飲食中主要包括水果、蔬菜和堅果、乳製品和無麩質的食物,但只要一個星期我仍然胖了。


森山奈保美(Naomi Moriyama)在她的著作 《日本女人不會胖也不會老》(“Japanese Woman Don’t Get Old Or Fat”) 中說到:「您可能會覺得這一切是源於我們的基因,但當日本人採取了西式飲食習慣後,他們很快就會增重。」所以飲食在日本人傳統的苗條骨架上絕對扮演著重要的角色。


Restoring Mums創辦人和治療師Karen Loke

The post How Do Japanese & French Women Keep Their Figures After Delivery? Part I appeared first on Restoring Mums.
