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]]>Following childbirth, the womb takes about six weeks to return back to its size. What is not normally emphasised is the womb also needs to be back to its proper position for homeostasis and homeodynamics. When there is a strong downward pressure on the lower abdomen, it can cause your womb to prolapse or further weaken the pelvic floor muscles. Read our article to know more about this subject as to how a displaced womb can affect a woman’s health considerably.
When you wear a belly wrap or waist cincher (loosely termed as postpartum corset) and you feel pressure on your perineum or a sensation of “something” is bulging out of your vagina – these are signs that you are wearing your wrap too tightly. The pelvic floor muscles supports your bladder, womb and bowels. Having a weak pelvic floor makes it harder for you to squeeze the muscles at the bottom of your bladder and cause accidental leaks when you cough, sneeze or am holding your pee.
Considering the above, a panty-like corset compression garment works better by ensuring the compression effect is even throughout the abdominal area. An even better option is the traditional abdominal binding method, which wraps your abdomen specifically according to your body shape instead of just choosing the closest-fitting size. The ideal is of course giving yourselves a treat of traditional binding and massage treatments.
However, when an abdominal binding service is not an option, choose a postpartum compression garment that you feel is comfortable enough to wear over a period of two to three months post-delivery for best effect.
Karen Loke – Founder and Practitioner, Restoring Mums Limited腹部包裹型 (Belly Wrap)和腰夾式塑身型 (Waist Cincher)的產後束腹帶跨越整個腰部。他們都是很好的產後修身(腰圍和腹部)工具。但是我見過很多過分熱衷的媽媽以產後束腹帶把自己長時間包得太緊,想達到縮小自己腰圍和腹部的最大效果。這一番”努力”當然會幫助媽媽們達到縮小腰圍和腹喇,但是當有太大的外來壓縮力施予媽媽的腹部時,這便有很大可能造成對媽媽子宮和盆底肌肉的傷害。
分娩後,子宮大約需要六週才會自然的回到它在產前的大小。除此以外, 許多媽媽也忽略了子宮須回到正確的位置以達到媽媽身體機能的自然調節. 當下腹部位有太大的外來壓縮向下擠壓時,這可能會導致媽媽的子宮下垂或進一步削弱盆底肌肉。(建議讀者細閱”子宫的位置決定妳的健康”一文,以了解這個問題。)
當媽媽們穿上腹部包裹型 (Belly Wrap)和腰夾式塑身型 (Waist Cincher)的產後束腹帶修身,妳會感覺到陰部會有一些壓力或感覺到有些“東西”在陰道鼓起時 – 這些都是妳的產後束腹帶包裹得太緊的跡象。盆底肌肉在支撐着媽媽的膀胱,子宮和腸道。弱的盆底肌肉使媽媽們更難擠縮在膀胱底部的肌肉, 造成當你咳嗽,打噴嚏或憋尿時會有尿失禁的問題。
鑑於上述情況,産後束衣 – 內褲型(Postpartum Panty-Like Corset) 是一個更好的選擇因為它的設計是確保壓縮力均勻分佈在整個腹部區域。但是我個人認為沒有比[傳統馬甲式束衣]更完美的,它的專門設計是根據媽媽不同的體型按腹部和腰圍去施予足夠但不會太大的壓縮力,這就是選擇最接近自己合身的尺寸的普通產後束腹帶所不能比擬的地方。
話雖如此,當媽媽們身邊未能找到傳統專業產後修身的服務時, 那選擇一個合適自己身型, 穿戴舒適的產後束腹帶(建議讀者細閱”産後媽媽最關注又最貼身的課題是…?”一文,以了解這個課題。), 穿上兩到三個月後也可以達到一定的效果。
Restoring Mums創辦人和治療師Karen Loke
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]]>The post Womb Position Can Determine Your Health appeared first on Restoring Mums.
]]>It is common for Malay or Indonesian masseurs to correct the positioning of the womb for a women’s wellness, for the Malays believe the womb is a woman’s core and her outward beauty is a reflection of the condition of her womb. In South East Asia, “No cold drinks” and “No lifting of heavy objects” are common words of advice given by our grandmothers and mothers, believed to maintain womb health and wellbeing.
So what really does it mean to have a “low hanging uterus or womb”?
When I first studied Malay postnatal massage, be it in a university setting, in a modern spa or via traditional Malay masseurs, I was taught the position of the womb and how to massage – yet many of my questions on anatomy were never convincingly answered.
However, when I studied The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® by Dr Rosita Arvigo, I realised how similar these two cultures are in terms of correcting womb positioning, and exactly how a misaligned uterus affects our health. Dr Arvigo has derived her specific therapy technique to help reposition reproductive organs and improve blood flow to digestive organs using an external, non-invasive hand manipulation method.
Here I’d like to share what I learnt and explain what it means when you are told that your uterus (or womb) has “dropped”.
A uterine prolapse is commonly known medically and refers to a condition when the uterus slips down into the vagina. A hollow, muscular organ roughly the size of a fist in a non-pregnant state, the uterus is suspended in the pelvis by fourteen ligaments and connective tissue and supported by the pelvic floor muscles. It is positioned in the lower medial pelvis, slightly above the bladder and in front of the colon, which allows for maximum circulation of arterial blood, nerve supply from the spinal column, exiting venous blood and lymphatic drainage.
The uterus is connected to the vagina by the cervix in a continuous flow of tissue.
Prolapse occurs when the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments are stretched and weaken, no longer providing adequate support for the uterus, which slips down into or protrudes out of the vagina.
Potential causes of uterine prolapse include:
The uterus can also slip out of place because ligaments and connective tissue are subject to lengthening and shortening and occasionally become distorted or inelastic. A displaced uterus can also be referred to as the following:
The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® teach that proper knowledge and application of repositioning techniques helps them to heal. So why does it matter to know the condition of our womb?
Following are some common symptoms of a displaced uterus:
What causes these conditions? According to Dr Arvigo, the main reasons are:
When pregnancies occur close together, there is insufficient time for the length and strength of uterine ligaments to normalise before the next baby is conceived, especially in the case of large babies or complicated deliveries.
The abdominal organs above the uterus can weigh up to 40-60lbs. When a woman lifts a heavy object, the diaphragm places downward pressure on her abdominal organs. The pelvic floor muscles (which have experienced recent strain during childbirth) may be unable to withstand further pressure and weight from above. This often results in a uterine prolapse. Carrying heavy objects may also harm the uterine ligaments and muscular wall, which takes time to heal. The Mayans believes in wearing a “faja” (abdominal wrap or postnatal corset) and similarly the Malays wear a “bengkung” – both are made of cloth and support the uterus until the ligaments have time to heal and revert back into their proper position and length.
The above picture shows a stretched Round Ligament, Broad Ligament and Uterosacral Ligament, connecting the uterus to the pelvis and sacrum. (Source: The Growing Uterus Chart: 40 weeks pregnant at term picture.)
Additionally, Dr Arvigo also lists the following as potential causes for a displaced uterus:
Similarly, the Malays believe the uterus needs to be returned to its original position following childbirth to prevent prolapse and side effects such as incontinence. The sixty-day period following delivery is the recommended timeframe to care for the uterus to allow it to heal and return to its pre-pregnancy size and position, especially given the fact that the relaxin hormone is still naturally present in the body during this time.
Karen Loke, Founder and Practitioner, Restoring Mums如果妳曾經進行由印尼或馬來人主理的產後按摩,妳會知道甚麼叫「子宮下垂」。在馬來語中,它被稱為「peranakan jatuh」。我能夠讀寫馬來語,因此我很高興可以研究現存極少部分可用的文獻,以及與很多經驗豐富但非常謙虛的馬來傳統產後護理治療師對談,交換意見並從中學習相關知識。
可是,當我到美國猶他州學習Rosita Arvigo博士的Maya腹部治療Arvigo技術®時,說到還原子宮位置和錯位的子宮究竟是如何影響我們的健康時,我終於明白到這兩種馬來與馬雅女性護理文化是如何地相似。Arvigo博士導出特定治療技術,使用外部的、非入侵性的手動操作方法去幫助重新定位生殖器官和改善血液流向消化器官的情況。
1. 頻密的懷孕和難產
2. 懷孕、分娩時和產後不必要的壓力被施加在子宮上
上圖顯示了被拉伸了的圓韌帶、闊韌帶和子宮骶骨韌帶,連接子宮至骨盆和骶骨。(來源:The Growing Uterus Chart: 40 weeks pregnant at term picture.)
Restoring Mums創辦人和治療師Karen Loke
The post Womb Position Can Determine Your Health appeared first on Restoring Mums.
]]>The post What Good Do Hip Binders Do Me After Birth? appeared first on Restoring Mums.
]]>I was naïve to think that I would return to my pre-pregnancy size after giving birth to my first baby. After gaining 18kg (thanks to an excellent appetite both before and after delivery, not to mention a bar of chocolate every day), it struck me two months after delivery that I just wasn’t getting any smaller in size. I could hardly pull up my jeans or even fit into my tops without stretching the front buttons.
It was only after having my third child that I learnt about relaxin, the hormone naturally secreted during pregnancy, which is responsible for opening and softening the cervix and vagina to aid the process of childbirth. Relaxin also loosens the ligaments at the front of the pelvis (pubis symphysis) and the sacroiliac joints, and allows it to widen, both to support the growing baby and for ease of delivery. Incidentally, relaxin makes you slightly more susceptible to ankle and wrist sprains, and can be blamed for broader shoulders, a widened waistline, and a larger shoe size!
Many women notice their hips are wider after pregnancy, even after returning to their pre-pregnancy weight. The reason for this is because your growing baby pushed them out, eventually engaging in your pelvic cavity. Remember, the pelvic bone is not one big bone; it consists of four bones that are joined together by ligaments. After childbirth your hips looks wider not because your hipbones have grown, but because the ligaments that connect the four bones in your pelvis have loosened and are therefore “stretchable”.
The fact is that relaxin is still present in a mother’s body some eight weeks after delivery, and even longer if you are still breastfeeding.
This is where hip binders (or postnatal corset) come in. By leveraging the relaxin still present in a mother’s body after birth, wearing a hip binder provides an outer compression to gently guide the widened pelvic bones back to their original shape. By capitalising on these normal physiologic changes associated with pregnancy, a hip binder, when worn after delivery, applies pressure directly to your hips to help you return to your pre-pregnancy size.
There are a few hip binders on the market, namely Shrinkx Hips and Hip Slimmer that really help bring in your hips so you can fit into your old clothes once again. Additionally abdominal binding techniques will do the same job most effectively.
I have tried it, and I can attest that it works – I’m back to my size “0” jeans!
Karen Loke, Founder and Practitioner, Restoring Mums.[adrotate banner=”10″]
市面上有幾款束臀帶(臀圍帶),名叫Shrinkx Hips和Hip Slimmer,它們真的能夠幫妳修臀,令妳可以再次穿回產前買下的衣褲。另外束腹技術也可以做到同樣的功效。
Restoring Mums創辦人和治療師Karen Loke
The post What Good Do Hip Binders Do Me After Birth? appeared first on Restoring Mums.